Steroid Profile Primobolan

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Primobolan has always been considered one of the safer steroids. It was rumored to be one of the secret weapons of the 70s that only a few pros had access to such as Arnold Schwarzenegger and some other European bodybuilders. This led to considerable demand. Unfortunately, the prohibitive price and fakes that flooded the market in the 80s and 90s changed its reputation. On a price basis, many considered it highly overrated. But in the late 00s and 10s, the rise of UGLs and cheap and abundant Chinese steroid powder allowed real Primobolan to become readily available at a reasonable price. This allowed many to experiment with higher dosages with more satisfying results..

Check out @Bill Roberts profile on Primobolan Depot, let us know what you think, and share your experiences with this compound:

I posted this in another thread but curious as to why Bayer would overfill their Rimo amps 20% over, not complaining but I figured 10% would be the industry standard.
The late and great Rich Piana says primo is a weak ass drug those who run it is it worth it? How many mgs per week u take for growth?


Though I've never had the pleasure, it is regarded as one of the better weapons in our arsenal for slowly adding quality weight without the water.

However it isn't uncommon to see posts where users advocate 800-1000 mg per week. Either they're subscribing to the more is better approach and abusing the drug or these dosages are typical for best effect, which would lend credence to Rich's statement.
Though I've never had the pleasure, it is regarded as one of the better weapons in our arsenal for slowly adding quality weight without the water.

However it isn't uncommon to see posts where users advocate 800-1000 mg per week. Either they're subscribing to the more is better approach and abusing the drug or these dosages are typical for best effect, which would lend credence to Rich's statement.
Rich also died at 46, so I tend to not listen to his advice. I don’t mean that in a mean way. I just mean that I plan on dying an old man.

Primo isn’t a good drug if you want to put on mass like now and love to slam tren by the gram, but if you want good gains with a safe pharmaceutical profile, you could do worse.
If you're comparing primo to tren, then yeah... Pretty weak. But you could say that about a lot of things in comparison to tren.

Primo gives a way better look, IMO. Tren looks synthetic and freaky. Primo makes you look great in a much more natural way. It's way slower than tren... You'll run it and forget you're taking anything until one day you'll look in the mirror and think "wow".

Aside from killing hair, I've never noticed any sort of sides or diminishing returns.
Well RIP Rich but I think he let the Slin get the best of him. Primo is an amazing compound especially when used at the right time. Once you get fairly lean that is when Primo shows its ass off. I know people that run Primo like TRT once a week. Me personally I like to keep Primo in the mix like that as well.
If it is a weak as drug then why is it the most counterfeited AAS of them all and the raws are so expensive. Of course Rich would say that when you are running Slin like he was you don't need Primo but lets look at the facts. Slin can kill you and Primo can't.
Well RIP Rich but I think he let the Slin get the best of him. Primo is an amazing compound especially when used at the right time. Once you get fairly lean that is when Primo shows its ass off. I know people that run Primo like TRT once a week. Me personally I like to keep Primo in the mix like that as well.
If it is a weak as drug then why is it the most counterfeited AAS of them all and the raws are so expensive. Of course Rich would say that when you are running Slin like he was you don't need Primo but lets look at the facts. Slin can kill you and Primo can't.
wtf are you talking for a bunch of nonsense with the slin?
Slin only kills you if you hve no clue what you are doing. Slin is a useful addition to any cycle, even to trt at low dosages pre workout (5-8iu).
DOnt know where your hatred for slin comes from?
No hatred for SLIN just stating that SLIN can kill you. If you don't eat properly while on it it can kill you. Blood sugar gets to low and you go into a diabetic coma. Just a fact man sorry you got offended.

I'm not a fan of what slin has done to bodybuilding.
But bro, it's not as dangerous as you're thinking.

Some people have tried suicide attempts with 500 units of slin and survived
Taking a long acting and using like 10 units of log PWO isnt insanely dangerous as a bodybuilder, unless you're pushing crazy amounts

Dangerous, yes... hut youd have to be pretty fucked to go full on, death hypo from 10 or 20 units of log.

I read one story of s girl who ran 400 units to attempt suicide, they got her to a hospital and threw some sugar in her body.... released 2 days later.
The side effects/seriousness of insulin is way overblown, unless you are an absolute idiot, which there are a lot of them out there. It's amazing how many people don't know how to measure iu on an insulin syringe, hell I know a guy that took a full 3 cc syringe of Humulin R because he didn't know what the hell he was doing, and he's still with us. So it is REALLY hard to kill yourself with skin. If you do happen to go hypo, it's not like you don't feel it coming on. It's not like Bam! and you drop over dead. Anyone using slin should have an immediate source of sugar close by at all times just to be safe.
Slin is such a commitment, not for me!

But that primo inject for me at 400mg per week best I have ever looked! Running the higher amounts than that Im sure amazing as well but I cant afford lol!
The question is, how do you guys deal with the low E2 running such high doses of primo? I can take 300mg primo max and thats with 600mg test.

Thats the biggest problem im facing with primo. I even ordered E2 tablets now.

Low E2 confirmed with bloodwork, not just feels.

The price is not even a problem for me.