Steroid Profile Primobolan

Wow I see a lot of mixed results on how it effects people’s hair. I really hope it doesn’t effect my hairline. If it doesn’t, I think it shall become my favorite compound
I have not noticed any anxiety. I will say I love Primo and I hate getting off it. The stuff is great for slow solid gains and I feel amazing on it.. so I guess it could be a let down period as you come off.
I have not noticed any anxiety. I will say I love Primo and I hate getting off it. The stuff is great for slow solid gains and I feel amazing on it.. so I guess it could be a let down period as you come off.
What kind of stack have you been running? How much test with primo?
What kind of stack have you been running? How much test with primo?
Last time I ran-- I did anavar 100 mg for first 4 weeks and test 300 and prino 400 with 4 week mid cycle peak of primo at 500 with test at 400.. I also run primo cycles for 12- 16 weeks as it is a slower working compound
Typically speaking, how much primo Enanthate per week to accompany/compliment 500mg test e a week?
Has anyone experienced hair loss from a normal TRT test dose+200-300mg primo? If so, was it more/less/same than on a blast?
Anyone else have primo just crush their SHBG? Mine is 3.2 the low end of the scale is 10.
I thought primo could raise SHBG for some (I read some anecdotes). Others claim it lowers a bit or says the same. Did you test your gear? Masteron could crash your shbg afaik and its widely use to fake primo.
It lowers SHBG for sure. Primo is without a doubt real primo, Bayer Rimo's and tested primo enanthate from a source that's been around 15 + years, and best results I've ever gotten from primo. Using a larger dose than I have before so that might be why it crashed it so bad.
how about hair loss?
yes, a little bit more hair loss during the usage which came back after. Also, DHT's like primo and mast make my prostate enlarge (going by feel), since I pee more at night, and the flow is weaker during the day and just feels more intense when I have to go. T alone doesn't do that to me.
Has anyone experienced hair loss from a normal TRT test dose+200-300mg primo? If so, was it more/less/same than on a blast?
Yes, when I used it 600mg (UL, I don't think it was dosed anywhere near as strong as Bayer) along with my very low Androgel TRT, I got increased hair loss with the primo. Not a ton, but noticeable on the pillow. grows back though for me
Yes, when I used it 600mg (UL, I don't think it was dosed anywhere near as strong as Bayer) along with my very low Androgel TRT, I got increased hair loss with the primo. Not a ton, but noticeable on the pillow. grows back though for me
How would that compare to hair loss from 600mg of test for you?
How would that compare to hair loss from 600mg of test for you?
I have only done 650mg test one time, for 14 weeks, this year. 250 omnadren, and 400 cyp from my doc script so real stuff. It didn’t cause any hair loss for me. Just a little gyno, which stopped when I added Masteron at 400mg. I was on 4iu of pharma GH as well, so I have a hunch the GH mitigated in some way.
I have only done 650mg test one time, for 14 weeks, this year. 250 omnadren, and 400 cyp from my doc script so real stuff. It didn’t cause any hair loss for me. Just a little gyno, which stopped when I added Masteron at 400mg. I was on 4iu of pharma GH as well, so I have a hunch the GH mitigated in some way.
Interesting, thanks.
How long did you do that cruise? And did you get blood work after? Did primo negatively effect anything?

Got bloods half way through my cruise (Maybe 3ish months.
LDL was slightly elevated.
However, I always struggle with LDL if I'm not perfext with my diet, so it wasnt a huge warning sign for me, just that I had to clean up my food

HDL was also slightly elevated, so at least I had that going for me.

Everything else was in range.
Which was surprising because I had upped my Test to 200mg as well.