Steroid Profile Primobolan

Got bloods half way through my cruise (Maybe 3ish months.
LDL was slightly elevated.
However, I always struggle with LDL if I'm not perfext with my diet, so it wasnt a huge warning sign for me, just that I had to clean up my food

HDL was also slightly elevated, so at least I had that going for me.

Everything else was in range.
Which was surprising because I had upped my Test to 200mg as well.
That’s great everything went well. I always like to hear about these TRT+ cruises, especially test and primo because I think that will be my long term cruise sooner than later.
Perfect literally doing that now.

do you remember at what point running primo you looked in the mirror and thought.."hmm nice!"?
Any updates?

I ask because I see people recommending dosages of steroids all the time and I am wondering doesn't bodyweight influence amounts needed to.see results?

For example you seem to carry a LOT more muscle than the average lifter. I would assume if average Joe likes 200mgs primo, you would need 2-3x that amount simply due to having more muscle on your body.

I've not seen a discussion on this yet so I'm trying to compile data. Your feedback on the results of 200mgs primo would be appreciated.
Never for me. I think the psychological responses to juices vary a LOT
Primo is supposed to enhance well being as does Dianabol tho I'm not sure how or why but personally I see a big change wjen I'm on either drug. To the positive I mean. Tren anadrol and eq definitely made me more hostile and short tempered.
Any updates?

I ask because I see people recommending dosages of steroids all the time and I am wondering doesn't bodyweight influence amounts needed to.see results?

For example you seem to carry a LOT more muscle than the average lifter. I would assume if average Joe likes 200mgs primo, you would need 2-3x that amount simply due to having more muscle on your body.

I've not seen a discussion on this yet so I'm trying to compile data. Your feedback on the results of 200mgs primo would be appreciated.
I'm definitely not as large in real life. A bigger bodybuilder may have a different experience from what is outlined below using low-moderate primo.

I'm sitting very close to finishing this prep having started the primo at 200mg and currently sitting at 350mg. So far I am very happy.

From my limited experience with real primo, a "little" can go a long way even for a "bigger" guy, bigger being subjective, and goals being the determining factor of whether the "little" amount went a long way.

The biggest things I noticed on my low-moderate run were 1) decreased need for AI use 2) nice subtle change to general shape of muscles (seem rounder), 3) I'm holding onto a certain look that I like even while on a caloric deficit that usually seems to go away even while on poverty macros with big daddy Tren.

If I can reconcile the ridiculous oil volume with Primo 100, then I will try a slightly higher dose next go around.
I'm definitely not as large in real life. A bigger bodybuilder may have a different experience from what is outlined below using low-moderate primo.

I'm sitting very close to finishing this prep having started the primo at 200mg and currently sitting at 350mg. So far I am very happy.

From my limited experience with real primo, a "little" can go a long way even for a "bigger" guy, bigger being subjective, and goals being the determining factor of whether the "little" amount went a long way.

The biggest things I noticed on my low-moderate run were 1) decreased need for AI use 2) nice subtle change to general shape of muscles (seem rounder), 3) I'm holding onto a certain look that I like even while on a caloric deficit that usually seems to go away even while on poverty macros with big daddy Tren.

If I can reconcile the ridiculous oil volume with Primo 100, then I will try a slightly higher dose next go around.
Have u noticed the primo keeping strength up at all while dieting or no?
Have u noticed the primo keeping strength up at all while dieting or no?
Oh absolutely yes. I'll put it this way, you never go into the lift feeling strong like when on deficit but week after week you remain as strong or get incrementally stronger. I didn't notice my upper strength lagging until the last 2 weeks with 2 weeks remaining in this cut. I bumped up to 400mg just this week to finish the prep out strong.
Oh absolutely yes. I'll put it this way, you never go into the lift feeling strong like when on deficit but week after week you remain as strong or get incrementally stronger. I didn't notice my upper strength lagging until the last 2 weeks with 2 weeks remaining in this cut. I bumped up to 400mg just this week to finish the prep out strong.
So what happened did you win???
You don't need 800-1000mg of primo to see excellent results. I've never used over 500mg and love the results it gives. It's actually probably my favorite drug.
Can you help me find some primo please, heard nothing but great things. I’m also new to meso-rx and these threads
Test sides are not all about aromatisation. Test is test. Its a male hormone, that comes with its own sides. Its an anabolic hormone, just like estrogen, that causes water retention on its own, even if your E2 is crashed.

The days when people thought, oh im holding water, my E2 is high, lets take arimidex and crash my normal estrogen, are long gone, or at least they should be.
Could you direct me to quality primo plz
Yep have to see this 6 percent LOL.. If you hit 6 percent you are not there for long. Your body cant handle that. That is MR O BF and they are weak and starving. Shouldnt just blab out a percent you think or whatever. Read more and learn more before you mess with gear.