Steroid Profile Primobolan

I put on 15lbs in 10 days so yes it does build muscle lol. You should not need to go over 500mgs a week. Even at 250-300mg with a little Anavar you will see great gains. I’ve always had a decent foundation so I’m going to run primo and Anavar at low dose just to maintain what I have now
fuck. i thought primo was supposed to have low water retention, but this guy became a water buffalo in 10 days
Dude Im not cranking fucking 1000 mg of test that makes you wig the fuck out. Have you ever had low test levels and feel like shit and moody ? I feel good and not moody and grumpy when Im on 100 mg. I fucking laugh at shit and it makes me in a better mood. What is a joke about that ? If you dont know then STFU. See just like this shit you post pisses me off. Makes me not stand dumb ass people when not on a TRT dose.
Ignore him. I know what you mean: when I had low T, I was not nearly as jovial and outgoing as I was once my TRT was optimized.

Adding primo to test definitely helps me keep E2 lowered. I typically use it in a (as mentioned previously) 2:1 ratio, test : primo. If I raise the primo beyond that, I start seeing low E2 side effects. It will probably help with your gyno flare-ups.
Ignore him. I know what you mean: when I had low T, I was not nearly as jovial and outgoing as I was once my TRT was optimized.

Adding primo to test definitely helps me keep E2 lowered. I typically use it in a (as mentioned previously) 2:1 ratio, test : primo. If I raise the primo beyond that, I start seeing low E2 side effects. It will probably help with your gyno flare-ups.
hows the water retention on primo? People say theres no bloat associated with primo, but the same people also claim that tren and superdrol are "dry" compounds even tho both of those cause moonface.

So I have to collect anecdotal evidence on primo, since people clearly dont know what theyre experiencing with certain compounds
hows the water retention on primo? People say theres no bloat associated with primo, but the same people also claim that tren and superdrol are "dry" compounds even tho both of those cause moonface.

So I have to collect anecdotal evidence on primo, since people clearly dont know what theyre experiencing with certain compounds
I typically don't have issues with water retention, even when using wet compounds. I've taken a metric shitton of anadrol over the years and have never had issues; same goes for trestolone and HGH. I actually didn't know that tren had that side effect for some people, and I've only experienced the opposite with tren: it makes me drier.

To answer your question, primo has a drying effect on me, but I'm apparently the wrong person to ask, since water retention is never an issue for me. From anecdotal evidence that I've read from others, I've noticed the same trend: it's a dry compound for most, which makes sense due to it acting as a competitive inhibitor of aromatase.
I typically don't have issues with water retention, even when using wet compounds. I've taken a metric shitton of anadrol over the years and have never had issues; same goes for trestolone and HGH. I actually didn't know that tren had that side effect for some people, and I've only experienced the opposite with tren: it makes me drier.

To answer your question, primo has a drying effect on me, but I'm apparently the wrong person to ask, since water retention is never an issue for me. From anecdotal evidence that I've read from others, I've noticed the same trend: it's a dry compound for most, which makes sense due to it acting as a competitive inhibitor of aromatase.
im only interested in face bloat. and i know superdrol, methyltren tabs and tren bloats the face. is it due to glycogen retention, mineral stuff, corticoid stuff, prolaction, water retention? idk probably
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im only interested in face bloat. and i know superdrol, methyltren tabs and tren bloats the face. is it due to glycogen retention? idk probably
I've never experienced face bloat. I actually just ordered some superdrol, so I will know soon if that affects me as far as bloating is concerned. I will not touch methyltren, so I will never know about that one.

I would think that the bloating is caused by increased water retention and blood pressure. All of the compounds known to cause moonface are notorious for these 2 side effects. Reducing sodium intake and increasing water intake should help minimize facial bloat. Taking blood pressure meds while on cycle could help as well, but probably not as much as the other 2 suggestions. Controlling E2 should also help.
I've never experienced face bloat. I actually just ordered some superdrol, so I will know soon if that affects me as far as bloating is concerned. I will not touch methyltren, so I will never know about that one.

I would think that the bloating is caused by increased water retention and blood pressure. All of the compounds known to cause moonface are notorious for these 2 side effects. Reducing sodium intake and increasing water intake should help minimize facial bloat. Taking blood pressure meds while on cycle could help as well, but probably not as much as the other 2 suggestions. Controlling E2 should also help.
i know i had a 4 month period where i did superdrol and ive never been leaner, except in the face.

I know that recently i took 100mg superdrol before going to bed and woke up the next morning looking like a moon faced downie.

methyl tren is even worse. i was stupid enough to take 2 tabs before going to bed one day, and woke up looking moonfaced af, i was starving myself the whole following day and popping fat burners to try to get rid of that retarded moonface look
i know i had a 4 month period where i did superdrol and ive never been leaner, except in the face.

I know that recently i took 100mg superdrol before going to bed and woke up the next morning looking like a moon faced downie.

methyl tren is even worse. i was stupid enough to take 2 tabs before going to bed one day, and woke up looking moonfaced af, i was starving myself the whole following day and popping fat burners to try to get rid of that retarded moonface look
It seems we all carry excess water (and fat) in different places. What else were you taking with the superdrol?

I'm surprised you were able to sleep after taking methyltren. From my understanding, it's very stimulatory.
It seems we all carry excess water (and fat) in different places. What else were you taking with the superdrol?

I'm surprised you were able to sleep after taking methyltren. From my understanding, it's very stimulatory.
no it sucks. its not strong at all. good anavar is stronger than methyltren
Dude Im not cranking fucking 1000 mg of test that makes you wig the fuck out. Have you ever had low test levels and feel like shit and moody ? I feel good and not moody and grumpy when Im on 100 mg. I fucking laugh at shit and it makes me in a better mood. What is a joke about that ? If you dont know then STFU. See just like this shit you post pisses me off. Makes me not stand dumb ass people when not on a TRT dose.
Please bro
forgot to mention that one thing that superdrol truly does and does well is increase your strength immediately. BIG TIME

but you will be waking up in painful cramps the first few days if your superdrol is legit, otherwise that shit is bunk
forgot to mention that one thing that superdrol truly does and does well is increase your strength immediately. BIG TIME

but you will be waking up in painful cramps the first few days if your superdrol is legit, otherwise that shit is bunk
Thanks man. If the strength increases are that good, I'll put up with some cramps for a few days.
Im looking at 150 to 200mg primo and TRT dose of Test C 100mg weekly. I respond to gear pretty good so I dont think over 200 Primo would be needed. Plus I want a smaller growth cycle instead making huge gains, just loosing gains when coming off sucks. Plus where I work they would notice a 15 pound gain in 2 -3 weeks would throw a flag. Then come off and be almost back to normal from water weight shows you are doing something. Lean Aesthetics is my goal and not be thick bulk look. Im looking for more dry gains than anything.
fuck. i thought primo was supposed to have low water retention, but this guy became a water buffalo in 10 days
Lol as I stated, I’ve never run primo so that basic
water retention is from test e. My primo is almost in actually so I’m pumped to get this cycle going. My body responds well to gear to I’m looking at 100mg primo per week & 25mg Anavar on workout days
Back in the early 90's I knew top armature bbers and they used real pharm primo came in 3amp boxes 100mg per amp and they would do 2-3 amps per week and they looked great. when it was my time to use aas they stop making it. Although I did use the oral primo 5mg tabs I ran 40mg per day and they use to give me great pumps and blow you up. then they stop the orals in the early 00's.Now leap forward to 2020 and my training partner used so good UGL 300mg per week for 10 weeks and looked like a greek god. Also I trained a fitness chick just this year and had her on 1amp of rimobolan real pharma and she came up a treat. What I am saying is I think all this talk about primo having to be run at 600mg+ per week is a little over kill. I think 300mg is enough to see quality gains just like the guys I knew back in the 90's.
Back in the early 90's I knew top armature bbers and they used real pharm primo came in 3amp boxes 100mg per amp and they would do 2-3 amps per week and they looked great. when it was my time to use aas they stop making it. Although I did use the oral primo 5mg tabs I ran 40mg per day and they use to give me great pumps and blow you up. then they stop the orals in the early 00's.Now leap forward to 2020 and my training partner used so good UGL 300mg per week for 10 weeks and looked like a greek god. Also I trained a fitness chick just this year and had her on 1amp of rimobolan real pharma and she came up a treat. What I am saying is I think all this talk about primo having to be run at 600mg+ per week is a little over kill. I think 300mg is enough to see quality gains just like the guys I knew back in the 90's.
its true. i run 200mg primo and even that "low" dose is doing some big things for me, thats my personal experience
Adding primo to test definitely helps me keep E2 lowered. I typically use it in a (as mentioned previously) 2:1 ratio, test : primo. If I raise the primo beyond that, I start seeing low E2 side effects. It will probably help with your gyno flare-ups.

primo... From anecdotal evidence that I've read from others, I've noticed the same trend: it's a dry compound for most, which makes sense due to it acting as a competitive inhibitor of aromatase.
Hey bro, please don't feel that I am unfairly singling you out. I only am doing so because I know you are an intelligent guy. But do you have any bloodwork or references for any of this? I have been collecting bloodwork on primo and haven't yet seen this to be supported by anything but an avalanche of anecdotes.
Hey bro, please don't feel that I am unfairly singling you out. I only am doing so because I know you are an intelligent guy. But do you have any bloodwork or references for any of this? I have been collecting bloodwork on primo and haven't yet seen this to be supported by anything but an avalanche of anecdotes.
i think vigoroussteve on youtube has bloodwork on primo, but im not sure, worth looking into I suppose
i think vigoroussteve on youtube has bloodwork on primo, but im not sure, worth looking into I suppose
So I've been told now repeatedly. There were other compounds involved that likely affect serum E2. If this is the only evidence that exists, mine outweighs it. So far, from the limited data, all I can speculate is that: A) not many guys actually do bloodwork, at least on Primo, and/or B) nobody actually has real Primo.