Steroid Profile Primobolan

But now back on Primo. I am looking to try it myself as I am really Gyno sensitive. 150mg week test and I get nipple pain.
But now back on Primo. I am looking to try it myself as I am really Gyno sensitive. 150mg week test and I get nipple pain.
Same goes for me. I just placed a bulk order of primo & Anavar. That’s the only thing I’m touching from here on out. Won’t have to worry about any side effects. So many of those other compounds come with nasty side effects & I’m not dealing with that again.
A question I have is does Primo shut you down like Test does. I know it will, but to what comparison as to test ?
I have yet to run primo but from my experience with test it has never shut me down. In fact I makes me horny as hell and hard as a rock. I think the only ones it could be shutting are the abusers. I’ve ran 250-500mg a week and never seen a problem at all. Everyone is different though so that’s just my personal experience. I am aware that primo will shut you down over time but again as long as you aren’t taking massive doses you should be fine. Just keep clomid on hand for your PCT I’m sticking with primo and Anavar from now on
I have yet to run primo but from my experience with test it has never shut me down. In fact I makes me horny as hell and hard as a rock. I think the only ones it could be shutting are the abusers. I’ve ran 250-500mg a week and never seen a problem at all. Everyone is different though so that’s just my personal experience. I am aware that primo will shut you down over time but again as long as you aren’t taking massive doses you should be fine. Just keep clomid on hand for your PCT I’m sticking with primo and Anavar from now on
Besides the fact it makes u hard as a rock which no one gives a fuck about how hard u get did it did it do anything as far as Bodybuilding Is concerned? Tired of hearing how hard everyone gets - does anyone want to get big or just get there penis hard
Besides the fact it makes u hard as a rock which no one gives a fuck about how hard u get did it did it do anything as far as Bodybuilding Is concerned? Tired of hearing how hard everyone gets - does anyone want to get big or just get there penis hard
I put on 15lbs in 10 days so yes it does build muscle lol. You should not need to go over 500mgs a week. Even at 250-300mg with a little Anavar you will see great gains. I’ve always had a decent foundation so I’m going to run primo and Anavar at low dose just to maintain what I have now
Same goes for me. I just placed a bulk order of primo & Anavar. That’s the only thing I’m touching from here on out. Won’t have to worry about any side effects. So many of those other compounds come with nasty side effects & I’m not dealing with that again.
Var doesn't screw up your HDL? Absolutely tanks mine whenever I use it.
I have yet to run primo but from my experience with test it has never shut me down. In fact I makes me horny as hell and hard as a rock. I think the only ones it could be shutting are the abusers. I’ve ran 250-500mg a week and never seen a problem at all. Everyone is different though so that’s just my personal experience. I am aware that primo will shut you down over time but again as long as you aren’t taking massive doses you should be fine. Just keep clomid on hand for your PCT I’m sticking with primo and Anavar from now on
Shutdown is the phenomenon of cessation of production of natural testosterone, not that you cant get hard anymore. And we also don't care how hard you can get anyway.
Shutdown is the phenomenon of cessation of production of natural testosterone, not that you cant get hard anymore. And we also don't care how hard you can get anyway.
Shit I care about how hard I get, I have a lot of sex. If your dick ain’t working then that sucks
On test I get same results on my sex drive. But even after coming off a 150mg Test C cycle I loose sex drive and erection ability, motivation, some mood changes, energy. I wouldnt say it is bad but do notice. I use Nolvadex 20mg daily for PCT but takes about 5 weeks to start getting back to normal. Its that down time sucks from recovery. But I do get some nice gains from the low dose. Just cant handle the gyno that flares up anymore. I was thinking 100mg Test and 200mg Primo a week for my next. I can do 100 test with no issues and it just makes me feel better all around. Primo dont aromatize so that is why I want to try it. I know its about 30% weaker than test but I can handle that. Just dont want to shut my natural down so far that it takes months to recover. Also I never done it but can you run PCT while on a cycle to help your natural to not crash so bad ?
On test I get same results on my sex drive. But even after coming off a 150mg Test C cycle I loose sex drive and erection ability, motivation, some mood changes, energy. I wouldnt say it is bad but do notice. I use Nolvadex 20mg daily for PCT but takes about 5 weeks to start getting back to normal. Its that down time sucks from recovery. But I do get some nice gains from the low dose. Just cant handle the gyno that flares up anymore. I was thinking 100mg Test and 200mg Primo a week for my next. I can do 100 test with no issues and it just makes me feel better all around. Primo dont aromatize so that is why I want to try it. I know its about 30% weaker than test but I can handle that. Just dont want to shut my natural down so far that it takes months to recover. Also I never done it but can you run PCT while on a cycle to help your natural to not crash so bad ?
Yup that’s the same thing for me, 200mg should be perfect on primo. I’m gonna stick with 100mgs and add in Anavar or tbol to top it off. Yeah I just did a massive order on Bayer Rimobolan too so I’m stacked up for a lifetime. Zero aromatization from primo. You know I’m not too sure about starting your pct while still on cycle. I’m gonna run my first cycle then take it from there. I know aromasin is awesome for when on cycle + it also increases iGF levels
I was running 200iu of HCG per day 70iu of Test and 170mg of primo and it crashed my Estrogen into the ground. I'd be careful about running primo higher than testosterone, especially at lower dosages. If I knew better initially I'd have started with a 2:1 ratio of Test : primo and worked my way up.
I want to keep test in just for the benefits of how I feel on it. Feel amazing with much more humor, confidence, and just a better mood and alot more friendly. I can be a asshole when Im off of it. Many years back I was on TRT at 100mg per week by a DR. Changed alot after getting on it. But stopped for about 5 years and only started back with a couple low dose cycles ( under 200mg ) But last cycle I had to only run less than 150. Gyno would come quick and I cant stand that. But with Primo being able to lower your E2 levels, wouldnt being sensitive to the conversion of test balance it out with out crashing the E2 ? Also do you get that same feeling from Primo of just better all around like you do test ?
Anyone ever run 1/1 or 1/.5 test/primo ratio? I'm interested in HRT doses like 100/100.

I'm hopping back on test but I'm sensitive to gyno. I have to use aromasin even at 150mg of test. I've run 400T/200P but that was over 20 years ago but I've never used these compounds at lower doses.
I want to keep test in just for the benefits of how I feel on it. Feel amazing with much more humor, confidence, and just a better mood and alot more friendly. I can be a asshole when Im off of it. Many years back I was on TRT at 100mg per week by a DR. Changed alot after getting on it. But stopped for about 5 years and only started back with a couple low dose cycles ( under 200mg ) But last cycle I had to only run less than 150. Gyno would come quick and I cant stand that. But with Primo being able to lower your E2 levels, wouldnt being sensitive to the conversion of test balance it out with out crashing the E2 ? Also do you get that same feeling from Primo of just better all around like you do test ?
Now I have heard it all- Test makes you more humorous? Holy shit u guys are a joke
Now I have heard it all- Test makes you more humorous? Holy shit u guys are a joke
Dude Im not cranking fucking 1000 mg of test that makes you wig the fuck out. Have you ever had low test levels and feel like shit and moody ? I feel good and not moody and grumpy when Im on 100 mg. I fucking laugh at shit and it makes me in a better mood. What is a joke about that ? If you dont know then STFU. See just like this shit you post pisses me off. Makes me not stand dumb ass people when not on a TRT dose.