Probably the 1000th "Should I Cycle or B&C"thread.


I'm 27 and I need someone who has been down this road to give me some words of advice.

I'm wrapping up a cycle now, nothing crazy, 500test/mast/equip with a var50 Kickstart... week 16, ran hcg eod, taking provirion now while esters break down for 3weeks, then a hefty amount of hcg for 3 weeks, and then novla/clomid for 4

I made some solid gains, beyond what I will be able to support naturally, I feel great too. Not too mention I've been dealing with herniated disc's in my back (sorry I will update my other thread on here soon) I literally was Gimping around before, couldnt bend down to tie my shoe, couldn't pickup anything heavy without my legs going numb, now I've built such a strong core its like the injury doesn't exist anymore.

So that all said, I'm really thinking about staying on... not feeling like ass going the pct route into the summer, not worrying about my back bugging me again so i could do things like finish building the deck in my yard, maintain where I am at so I can go into a nice bulk beginning of fall and get where I want to be rather than play catch up.

It makes sense to do it, the dilemma is... I hate having to do intermuscluar injections and don't want to have to do it for the rest of my life (I have no qualms with my daily morning GH injection subq, its like morning coffee, I enjoy it lol)

I forsure plan on trt when I'm 40 because I don't want to be a miserable old man, but I don't want to be doing that throughout my 30s, I've yet to have kids, I will be married still, but still feel like I haven't settled yet in life.

So that said, and I know you can't really tell me if I can recover or not... Do you think it would be a mistake for me to blast and cruise for say like the next year?

Am I playing with fire? Is this a bug life choice?

If recovery is an option, how rough is it going to be?

It might help to list my goals...
-Be the biggest, leanest, strongest, and best I am genetically capable of. (Beat the genes if I can)
-Maintain a strong core to support my back injury, build it even stronger.
-Feel good.
-I want to do a show next spring and kick ass (wanted to this spring but I'm just not there yet)
-I want to keep my social media rolling.
-Get more serious about modeling/acting (I've been the guy in the background on a couple TV shows and was a shirtless viking in a calendar for nerds lol.]
The answer is simple. If you’re going to blast again, just cruise. If you’re not going to blast again then come off. Only you can make the decision.
You can pin test u like once e7d or eve e14d and have stable blood levels. Never tried it my self, so can't speak from personal experience. It's a bit more costly thou. What you need to pin ed or eod is hcg. So you can mix that in with your daily gh shot.

As for the bc ... I'd say that for bodybuilding it's quite necessary. But keep the doses low. If blasting, keep the blast long and low. Let the training determine how much gains you get. I mean, depends in what division you want to compete off course.

Are you saying you did a 500T, 500eq and 500mast cycle? If so, that's a big cycle brother!

And in regards to pct. Are you saying you'll start using serm's 6 weeks after last pin of EQ? If that's the case, I just want to warn you that that might not be enough time for 500mg's of eq to clear. I would wait around 8 weeks minimum, preferably 10 weeks, to start serms after eq. It has a very long half life, it's really not meant to be used by people who cycle. If you want to cycle and use boldenone, use boldenone cypionate. In any case, I would use a short ester test like propionate while waiting for the eq to metabolize, so you don't f-in die of low test symptoms while you wait.
Trt can be subq without a problem.
It's mainly the difference between a sling pin and water that goes in super quick and easy, vs the long 23g-25g that gives me Scar tissue, accidentally hits veins and cause blood to spurt out of me, oil that like right now leaked out of my quad into my fucking knee, and man it hurts like a bitch lol.
You can pin test u like once e7d or eve e14d and have stable blood levels. Never tried it my self, so can't speak from personal experience. It's a bit more costly thou. What you need to pin ed or eod is hcg. So you can mix that in with your daily gh shot.

As for the bc ... I'd say that for bodybuilding it's quite necessary. But keep the doses low. If blasting, keep the blast long and low. Let the training determine how much gains you get. I mean, depends in what division you want to compete off course.

Are you saying you did a 500T, 500eq and 500mast cycle? If so, that's a big cycle brother!

And in regards to pct. Are you saying you'll start using serm's 6 weeks after last pin of EQ? If that's the case, I just want to warn you that that might not be enough time for 500mg's of eq to clear. I would wait around 8 weeks minimum, preferably 10 weeks, to start serms after eq. It has a very long half life, it's really not meant to be used by people who cycle. If you want to cycle and use boldenone, use boldenone cypionate. In any case, I would use a short ester test like propionate while waiting for the eq to metabolize, so you don't f-in die of low test symptoms while you wait.
That's pretty much what I'm doing now with hcg eod with my GH shot, a years worth of hcg wouldn't be an issue with the suppression of natural LH production?

As far as my cycle goes and the eq, sorry I did not make note, but I dropped it at week 12 (quite literally on the bathroom floor lol) so I've been off it for 4 weeks now, which leaves me the 3 weeks I'm waiting for the Test and Mast to break down while taking provirion, and then 3weeks of just hcg, before I start seems.... So 10 weeks for sure from my last pin.
It's mainly the difference between a sling pin and water that goes in super quick and easy, vs the long 23g-25g that gives me Scar tissue, accidentally hits veins and cause blood to spurt out of me, oil that like right now leaked out of my quad into my fucking knee, and man it hurts like a bitch lol.
What are you even saying?
You can pin trt with slin pins
You guys are cruising off short esters?
I was think enathate 2x a week if I did it, now way that's getting pushed out of anything smaller than 25g

Nop, TestE, PrimoE, ... Always done with a 27g. My gear is currently from @Liska, he uses MCT, so that's very thin, but even with other oils, I haven't had much problem pining with slin needles. You are pinning a bit larger volume though as you were using 1.5's of androgens. How much volume was that per shot?
Nop, TestE, PrimoE, ... Always done with a 27g. My gear is currently from @Liska, he uses MCT, so that's very thin, but even with other oils, I haven't had much problem pining with slin needles. You are pinning a bit larger volume though as you were using 1.5's of androgens. How much volume was that per shot?
Isn’t Liska a lady? Have I misunderstood this all along?
The slin pins I'm using for hcg and GH are 30g 1/2" and that's an easy pinch one of my abs and in and out, usually do it half asleep in the dark.
I could imagine even with thinner oil I'd be doing like a 5min pin with an enathanate ester, I do have some 27gs but those have only been used with some TNE pwo in the past.
As of with my cycle now, volume wise each injection, a notch over 2ccs, with 1"- 1.5" 25g quads, delts, and 1" 23g for right glute (I'm right handed so no left lol)
I can remember someone asking for ‘tits’ on the source thread and her reply was something like ‘only for my unique chest tattoo I would’.
The slin pins I'm using for hcg and GH are 30g 1/2" and that's an easy pinch one of my abs and in and out, usually do it half asleep in the dark.
I could imagine even with thinner oil I'd be doing like a 5min pin with an enathanate ester, I do have some 27gs but those have only been used with some TNE pwo in the past.
As of with my cycle now, volume wise each injection, a notch over 2ccs, with 1"- 1.5" 25g quads, delts, and 1" 23g for right glute (I'm right handed so no left lol)

2 ccs, hm, yes, so basically two insulin syringes, or maybe 3 ... That's doable I guess. You can always backload and then preheat the syringe in some warm water. That makes it go out a lot smother. But you can also use a 25g for glutes. I wouldn't pin delts with a 25 though. Also no thanks glutes with a 23 ... 25 is imo plenty for glutes. And 27 for the rest ...
Im 31 and have been cruising since 28, some may say its a bad decision but personally i think its healthier if you are gonna keep doing cycles to just drop down to a good trt dose and get ur bloodwork done and keep everything in check. I also have already had a vasectomy so i cant weigh in on the children aspect.
I feel good, my bloodwork is good, i feel its easier to maintain on a cruise than if you pct. But it is a big personal decision so decide for urself.
Im 31 and have been cruising since 28, some may say its a bad decision but personally i think its healthier if you are gonna keep doing cycles to just drop down to a good trt dose and get ur bloodwork done and keep everything in check. I also have already had a vasectomy so i cant weigh in on the children aspect.
I feel good, my bloodwork is good, i feel its easier to maintain on a cruise than if you pct. But it is a big personal decision so decide for urself.
Idk who would tell you it's a bad decision. Would you ever go off just for a full reboot? For a bit?
Idk who would tell you it's a bad decision. Would you ever go off just for a full reboot? For a bit?
I have a buddy who is in his late 50s and is massive, hes old school and is a big advocater of coming off everything for about a month or 2 every other year or so. I dont know if theres evidence that coming off everything is really good for you but hopefully someone chimes in and lets us know.