This is the kind of mentality that ruins good things. LE is, yes, after the people selling steroids. Steroids are a fucking class A felony, home slice. It's just as illegal as cocaine. If you were expecting cocaine in the mail [hypothetically], do you think it would be safe to go on a public forum and tell everyone about it? I mean, shit, LE isn't concerned with the people using, only the people dealing, so it's safe, right?
It's not about who is going to go behind bars, it's about investigations, it's about giving away information that you have no business giving away.
What kind of information do you think could be linked to a parcel? What kind of information is written on the parcel? Do you really have any clue? No? Neither do I, but I'm sure they can find out a lot more than you're giving them credit for.
BOTTOM LINE is when you talk about T/A, you are putting yourself in jeopardy and your source in jeopardy. Just because you haven't seen or heard of anyone getting busted recently doesn't mean it doesn't happen and it doesn't mean it's not going to happen in the future.
You are dealing with a CLASS A felony. If you get busted, you are motherfucking felon. Yet, you think it's alright to get sloppy.
We have a good, no, GREAT, thing going for us. If you want it to last, you'll learn how to watch your words.