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I do not know if it is the right section. I have given just started using trenbolone acetate 400 mg / week and the nipples were immediately inflated, though not give me no pain. In your opinion is prolactin? I what should I use now? I'm using only proviron 50 mg / day
IMO, tren or deca do not rise prolactin.

Your e2 is elevated, I run nolva and armidex daily on my cycles because I so gyno prone, even with that and tren I dont' run prami or caber..I ran prami once with tren and never noticed anything from it and have not used it since.
I'm using 200mg B6 and Caber to deal with gyno. I just had blood work done and my E2 was 6 yet my gyno was really bad. Been on Caber and B6 for 8 days and it has definitely made a difference. Nips aren't as sensitive and the lump has shrunk to almost half of its size.
I'm using 200mg B6 and Caber to deal with gyno. I just had blood work done and my E2 was 6 yet my gyno was really bad. Been on Caber and B6 for 8 days and it has definitely made a difference. Nips aren't as sensitive and the lump has shrunk to almost half of its size.

Why not use some Letro to reduce the gyno? I think it would be more effective than Caber but that's just my opinion.
Why not use some Letro to reduce the gyno? I think it would be more effective than Caber but that's just my opinion.
I have letro but decided to take a doctors advice with the combo he suggested based on my bloods and my TRT dose. I'm on 100mg/test and 4ius of generic gh.
My gyno didn't flare up until I started using gh.
You have to think that it's only two weeks ago that I entered the station, I also wanted to go to 500 mg / week. Should I give up?
dostinex is very expensive at the pharmacy, and hard to find. I bought two tablets of 0.5 mg. I every two weeks is enough?
If I can say my opinion without being offended: an increase of prolactin results in increased estrogen .. The station, being part of the family of 19nor by increasing prolactin .. Now if you have gynecomastia I advise you to do the middle d Jethro every three times a week and cabergoline 0.5mg twice a week .. I do not have problems of prolactin but have recommended it to friends and they were fine .. note liquid on her nipples?
Id advise you get some blood work and find out whats going on before increasing any dosages or adding any compounds. You do not have past experience to draw upon to see exactly what is going on. Quite often managing e2 will in turn manage other associated issues and a dopamine agonist inst even necessary.