Puffy nipples during PCT


New Member
Just got done with a great 1st cycle and had no gyno or hairless sides. I did have a PCT question. I’m 2 weeks in and have gotten some puffy nipples. They are also like chaffed looking. They don’t itch and there are no lumps or tissue build up. It is strictly on the nipple head. I heard this may be common with the rise of estrogen post cycle. I’m currently on 25mg clomid and 40 nolva. Shlould I keep the same levels of these two and should I take some arimidex that I have on hand to stop this. Thanks for any advice
Just got done with a great 1st cycle and had no gyno or hairless sides. I did have a PCT question. I’m 2 weeks in and have gotten some puffy nipples. They are also like chaffed looking. They don’t itch and there are no lumps or tissue build up. It is strictly on the nipple head. I heard this may be common with the rise of estrogen post cycle. I’m currently on 25mg clomid and 40 nolva. Shlould I keep the same levels of these two and should I take some arimidex that I have on hand to stop this. Thanks for any advice
Pct doesn't usually cause gyno or puffy nips
it's remaining estro from the cycle that does.

What was your recent cycle like?
My cycle ended up being 600mg Test E for 12 weeks with 250iu hcg twice a week and .25mg arimidex every 3rd day. It was two weeks from last pin to start of PCT. so are you thinking it should
Clear up shortly as it is just left over estro from the cycle?
My cycle ended up being 600mg Test E for 12 weeks with 250iu hcg twice a week and .25mg arimidex every 3rd day. It was two weeks from last pin to start of PCT. so are you thinking it should
Clear up shortly as it is just left over estro from the cycle?
IMO AI was too little considering you did HCG.
Did you get any bloodwork while on cycle?

Right now focus on running enough AI to get your estro to low normal (off cycle), without crashing it either.
You can try some low dose Nolva (10 mg) for a month or so to see if it helps.

I've heard of some guys getting breast liposuction as last resort, but only if it's just puffy nips and not hard gyno.
I attached the copy of my labs and I thought I was in range. This was 6 weeks in. I still have arimidex on hand. Should I add some in? I am taking 25mg clomid everyday and 40mg of nolva everyday


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Yes I took .25mg every 3rd day on cycle with no issues and what seems to be a normal estrogen range. My question was whether or not to add some arimidex to my PCT.

My test was 3,056 which from what I thought, was typical after 6 weeks of test E at 600mg per week
You started pct too soon. You didn't let the long ester clear its remaining half-lives... not sure what to tell you except to continue the nolvadex and clomid, get bloods say 5-6 weeks after you complete PCT and see how you've recovered.

Clomid can get you going and if it does work, while it's still in your system you won't get an accurate reading of whether or not you've actually recovered, or to what degree, because the clomid is doing the work. You have to let it do its job, then clear your system to allow it to stand on its own. THEN pull bloods to see where you're at... PCT can be nerve wrecking just from the amount of time you have to wait if you're worried about it. Oddities with your nipples while manipulating hormones and such shouldn't surprise you at all... do you know what nolvadex is actually intended for?
Thanks for all the advice fellas. I don’t know how I missed the PCT start time but after reading the link, it makes perfect sense. Asssuming I still recover ok and decide on another cycle, do you recommend continuing the AI I use on cycle during the 3-4 week break after last pin and up until PCT?
This is a myth.

care to elaborate on how that works man??

I've been taking some letro (off cycle) for gyno and got some bloods done to make sure my shit wasnt bunk.

my LH is way up because of the AI which causes more test production.... which means more will aromatize into estrogen once you stop the AI?? makes sense to me?? at least for a few days

I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm sure you got more experience than me but I think you guys that think its a myth just arent very sensitive to estrogen or gyno prone... everybody is different