Pureburndnp, the ONLY current U.S. domestic dnp, now open (domestic sales ONLY)

Mr ♥️ red pill is an idiot parroting his MPMD bullshit that always is easiest to laugh at. Just like this wannabe dnp dealer punks. They both can take a HIV infected BBC up tha u know what
Mr ♥️ red pill is an idiot parroting his MPMD bullshit that always is easiest to laugh at. Just like this wannabe dnp dealer punks. They both can take a HIV infected BBC up tha u know what
Going around to other threads and insulting people now? Hmmm. What was your handle before the one you have now?
Mr ♥️ red pill is an idiot parroting his MPMD bullshit that always is easiest to laugh at. Just like this wannabe dnp dealer punks. They both can take a HIV infected BBC up tha u know what

Where did you come from fuckstick?

Don't answer that, I just put you on ignored anyway.

In calling me "parroting", which I'm not, you *literally* parroted another member from the previous page who used the exact same verbiage against me. L O L

Whenever you get a break from being the most unoriginal, boring cunt I've ever wasted my precious time responding to- put some big girl pants on, come out from your moms basement, go find a road with heavy traffic, wait for an oncoming tractor trailer, and do a happy little somersault right into the front right tire.

You worthless, sorry, illiterate, chode-sucking, bitchass, faggot troll.

-MRP :) <3
Where did you come from fuckstick?

Don't answer that, I just put you on ignored anyway.

In calling me "parroting", which I'm not, you *literally* parroted another member from the previous page who used the exact same verbiage against me. L O L

Whenever you get a break from being the most unoriginal, boring cunt I've ever wasted my precious time responding to- put some big girl pants on, come out from your moms basement, go find a road with heavy traffic, wait for an oncoming tractor trailer, and do a happy little somersault right into the front right tire.

You worthless, sorry, illiterate, chode-sucking, bitchass, faggot troll.

-MRP :) <3
He’s banned already lol. Some people have way too much free time on their hands. Imagine being so fucking bored with life you need to make a fake handle and go into steroid forums to insult random strangers over the internet.
Liar, yes he is. Zero reason why anyone would choose you over him since he's established and has multiple customers here. I received an order a week ago. Gtfo.


Tell him to start shipping to EU too.

We, your European buddies, are starving (pun intended) for that shit lmao
Basically. You hit the nail on the head with that one. I know sometimes it hard to stick to routine but it all boils down to the individual. Can't take something that will hold you accountable for yourself. I wish something like that excited. Inject a peptide that will turn you into a 10k a day ceo grind set mind set Andrew Tate Elon Bezos
How anyone takes that knob seriosusly is beyond me. id bet anyone he will be doing prison time and his pyramid scheme will blow up in his face.
teehee.. not to brag but damn did i call that shit..

teehee.. not to brag but damn did i call that shit..

Anyone with a half a brain wouldn't fall for his bullshit and could see this from a mile away.

But we meat heads aren't the brightest bunch, so it's nice seeing someone posting this.
If you'd like to open up a dialogue, it would be fair to use my whole text- not just one very out of context sentence.

½ to 1lb per week fat loss is generally noted(yes "generally", but noted nonetheless) to be the most sustainable rate of fat loss- drugs or not.

Losing >1lb per week is a fantastic way to metabolize your muscle and assfuck your BMR.

Aside from banging up your metabolism- I'm speaking more to psychology when I talk about laziness. Most people (who lack discipline; namely adherence to healthy caloric intake; e.g emotional eaters, which is most people) will fall right back into previous patterns of eating- Yes, even after melting 20lbs of fat off their frame in 2 months with a cocktail of toxic fat burners.

Dozens as in multiple dozen(s), correct?

Where have you "seen" these people?

What dosage of "any or all" of these compounds were they using?

How much weight did they lose and how long did these dozens of people that you have seen maintain said weight loss?

You'll have to do better than countering my "gross generalizations" with even vaguer anecdotes.

Trainer for 5 years?! Hahahaha. Great qualifications! We’re talking about trained athletes on gear here, not some overweight middle aged woman. “Metabolize your muscle and assfuck your BMR.” Good joke. I don’t have the energy to rebuttal the nonsense you said, but thanks for the good laugh.
Trainer for 5 years?! Hahahaha. Great qualifications! We’re talking about trained athletes on gear here, not some overweight middle aged woman. “Metabolize your muscle and assfuck your BMR.” Good joke. I don’t have the energy to rebuttal the nonsense you said, but thanks for the good laugh.
The disrespect lmao

You're an absolute moron. Did you actually take time out of your day to type up this immature drivel ?

You may be talking about trained athletes but I wasn't. Using fat burners and stimulants to lose weight rapidly is not sustainable(It's not even debatable so that's fine)

I'd hoped we could have had a discussion, but the way you chose to introduce yourself to me tells me that you're not worth the shit in my colon.

*ignore button engaged*
If you were interested in a discussion you would've replied to my last reply where I respectfully dismantled your arguments.

But you have nothing, so you're doing the whole "only reply to people who are flaming you so you can just tell them to piss off" thing.

Which is fine, just don't act like your goal is real discussion.

