Pureburndnp, the ONLY current U.S. domestic dnp, now open (domestic sales ONLY)

Alright, fine. I hear you guys. I'll reduce the price. For earlier comments, I am homebrewing from overseas raws and have been for years, though I've been the only one using them. What I offer is what I have a very large amount of on hand . The main purpose here is to provide people dnp.
Alright, fine. I hear you guys. I'll reduce the price. For earlier comments, I am homebrewing from overseas raws and have been for years, though I've been the only one using them. What I offer is what I have a very large amount of on hand . The main purpose here is to provide people dnp.
then test your caps or whatever form you sell.
if raw form: purity is important
if tabs/pills: amount per tab/pill and variance between pills/tabs
then test your caps or whatever form you sell.
if raw form: purity is important
if tabs/pills: amount per tab/pill and variance between pills/tabs
This x2.

I tested 3 caps from Nutra and all 3 were overdosed by 25mg.
This x2.

I tested 3 caps from Nutra and all 3 were overdosed by 25mg.
i would prefer all 3 being overdosed by 25mg then seeing (assuming 200mg per tab) 1 tab with 120, 1 with 330 and 1 with 150.
imagine you want to take 600mg ( 3 caps) and draw out 3 massive overdosed one and getting in 1g by accident.
i would prefer all 3 being overdosed by 25mg then seeing (assuming 200mg per tab) 1 tab with 120, 1 with 330 and 1 with 150.
imagine you want to take 600mg ( 3 caps) and draw out 3 massive overdosed one and getting in 1g by accident.
It's easier to just eat less. If that's an issue take some semaglutide and do some more cardio
It's easier to just eat less. If that's an issue take some semaglutide and do some more cardio
I agree.

Rapid weight loss is never sustainable.

The body will always return to homeostasis.

When you remove whatever substance you are using to curb your appetite artificially, homeostasis will kick in and you’ll rebound.

The only real formula for sustainable weight loss is losing weight gradually, around ½lb/week.

There are no quick plays.

I've been a trainer for about 5 years and have seen every crash diet, supplement, and magic pill that there is be deployed by fatty after fatty, never lasts.

None of it works. Losing weight slowly is the only way to allow your body to permanently adapt.

T3, Clen, Dnp, Semi and all the rest of the crap people take because they're too lazy and lack discipline.

Obviously there are outliers with metabolic conditions like thyroid disorder and such, but for most- it's just laziness.

You'll see when you come off that shit.
I agree.

Rapid weight loss is never sustainable.

The body will always return to homeostasis.

When you remove whatever substance you are using to curb your appetite artificially, homeostasis will kick in and you’ll rebound.

The only real formula for sustainable weight loss is losing weight gradually, around ½lb/week.

There are no quick plays.

I've been a trainer for about 5 years and have seen every crash diet, supplement, and magic pill that there is be deployed by fatty after fatty, never lasts.

None of it works. Losing weight slowly is the only way to allow your body to permanently adapt.

T3, Clen, Dnp, Semi and all the rest of the crap people take because they're too lazy and lack discipline.

Obviously there are outliers with metabolic conditions like thyroid disorder and such, but for most- it's just laziness.

You'll see when you come off that shit.
Basically. You hit the nail on the head with that one. I know sometimes it hard to stick to routine but it all boils down to the individual. Can't take something that will hold you accountable for yourself. I wish something like that excited. Inject a peptide that will turn you into a 10k a day ceo grind set mind set Andrew Tate Elon Bezos
Alright, fine. I hear you guys. I'll reduce the price. For earlier comments, I am homebrewing from overseas raws and have been for years, though I've been the only one using them. What I offer is what I have a very large amount of on hand . The main purpose here is to provide people dnp.
Problem is you lied. You tried pulling the wool over our eyes claiming nutraburn was gone, and you were the only usa source with massively inflated prices. Get lost.
$40 for a vial of untested home brew test e lmfao. Count me in!!!

Can I get some of that dnp you weighed on a postage scale as well?
The only real formula for sustainable weight loss is losing weight gradually, around ½lb/week.

You can parrot these gross generalizations all you want but I've seen dozens of people successfully lose weight and maintain it after running any or all of those compounds, at rates that far outstrip 1/2lb/week.
If you'd like to open up a dialogue, it would be fair to use my whole text- not just one very out of context sentence.

½ to 1lb per week fat loss is generally noted(yes "generally", but noted nonetheless) to be the most sustainable rate of fat loss- drugs or not.

Losing >1lb per week is a fantastic way to metabolize your muscle and assfuck your BMR.

Aside from banging up your metabolism- I'm speaking more to psychology when I talk about laziness. Most people (who lack discipline; namely adherence to healthy caloric intake; e.g emotional eaters, which is most people) will fall right back into previous patterns of eating- Yes, even after melting 20lbs of fat off their frame in 2 months with a cocktail of toxic fat burners.
You can parrot these gross generalizations all you want but I've seen dozens of people successfully lose weight and maintain it after running any or all of those compounds, at rates that far outstrip 1/2lb/week.
Dozens as in multiple dozen(s), correct?

Where have you "seen" these people?

What dosage of "any or all" of these compounds were they using?

How much weight did they lose and how long did these dozens of people that you have seen maintain said weight loss?

You'll have to do better than countering my "gross generalizations" with even vaguer anecdotes.
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If you'd like to open up a dialogue, it would be fair to use my whole text- not just one very out of context sentence.

½ to 1lb per week fat loss is generally noted(yes "generally", but noted nonetheless) to be the most sustainable rate of fat loss- drugs or not.
Except that's not what you said.

You said "The only real formula for sustainable weight loss is losing weight gradually, around ½lb/week.".

You didn't say "1/2 to 1lb", and you didn't say anything about "Generally noted".

You can't pull the "use my whole text" card, and then add words/change your statement.

You made a definitive, catch-all statements, that people parrot but is just flat out untrue.

"Rapid weight loss is never sustainable."

"The body will always return to homeostasis."

It's just B.S.

And yes, when your "proof" is anecdotal evidence, someone is in fact allowed to counter with anecdotal evidence. Especially when your statement is worded in a way that is definitive and doesn't allow for any exception.

But, if you want to pull that card, the effect of rapid weight loss vs slow weight loss wrt weight regain has in fact been studied and the literature we do have on the subject flies directly in the face of your arguments:

It is absolutely true that rapid weight loss, particularly the kind that relies on heavy compound usage, routinely backfires on people. I do not dispute that and don't think very many people would.

In fact, I am constantly making the counter-argument to clients and other people who are obsessed with compound use and short-term results in lieu of developing any discipline or healthy habits.

But your overarching and condescending statements are mostly just dogmatic horseshit, period.
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Also, the notion that losing more than 1lb a week is inherently deleterious to your metabolism and catabolic is just straight up laughable. Seriously, that's even more easily dismantled than everything else you said.
Also, the notion that losing more than 1lb a week is inherently deleterious to your metabolism and catabolic is just straight up laughable. Seriously, that's even more easily dismantled than everything else you said.
Especially since we are all using gear which negates the whole “catabolic” argument
I don’t think you’ll be losing much muscle on a DNP cut assuming you’re having adequate protein and lifting heavy, just because you lost the weight fast. Especially if you’re supplementing the cut with anabolics.
Also, $3 for 200mg is slapdick silly, and nutraburn is absolutely still around. He charges a fraction of the price and is a known quantity in terms of rep (except that shit a few months back which was underdosed, but he made that right for customers too).