PurplePandaLabs Raw source

PPL is a much bigger lab and has much more “professional equipment”. They don’t cap the pills or mix the vials by hand.

PPL has all his Chinese girlfriends doing the labor for him. Cheap labor is cheaper than machinery.
probably rubbing his pee pee too.!
Well looks like all the reading paid off... finally. Got tired of reading just to see the last few pages be about bad communication or hella seizures. When the planets are aligned with my bank account, this owl will hoot at the purple panda #SecretLingo

I haven't seen much about seizures... You talking about PPL being seized?
what does 3/4 of the shit posted on here have to do with ppl.. what? u the thread police/// fml!!!

Thread breakdown.

10% Bitching about coupons not working on PPL
10% Asking about seizure rates with PPL
20% Asking about bitcoin and PPL helping explain how to purchase using bitcoin
10% Asking about PIP with PPL
10% Asking about carrier oils used with PPL
10% Asking about Raws from PPL
10% Asking about homebrewing (Since PPL offers raws)
20% Asking about domestic vs international.

Not gonna factor in one or two comments asking about other labs in a thread dedicated to a lab..

Do you seriously not see how lazy you look commenting in a popular thread about an underground lab asking about another lab? You can't do any research yourself or start your own thread? You post in an active competitors thread?

It's common sense. But sure.. I'll be thread police if someone wants to change my title from "member" to "thread police".