anyone else having issue with ppl trenbolone ace getting cloudy even after second refiltering?
I was able to find something about this, anyone heard about this?
When I pin it in this state i get fucktons of PIP, with some fever as well.
When it's clear i get no pip.
Not sure what to do with it, kinda hesitating to pin it again, and probably no point refiltering it third time.
I've added more BB, before refiltering, same thing happend again.
I've read somewhere a theory that this:
This is a result of an incomplete estrification reaction on the part of the Chinese. There is likely (this is again unconfirmed) some amount of Trenbolone base in the Tren Ace. The Tren base is solubilized during production and a clear solution is bottled. Some time later the far less soluble Tren base begins to precipitate out of solution.