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anyone else having issue with ppl trenbolone ace getting cloudy even after second refiltering?
I was able to find something about this, anyone heard about this?
When I pin it in this state i get fucktons of PIP, with some fever as well.
When it's clear i get no pip.
Not sure what to do with it, kinda hesitating to pin it again, and probably no point refiltering it third time.
I've added more BB, before refiltering, same thing happend again.

I've read somewhere a theory that this:
This is a result of an incomplete estrification reaction on the part of the Chinese. There is likely (this is again unconfirmed) some amount of Trenbolone base in the Tren Ace. The Tren base is solubilized during production and a clear solution is bottled. Some time later the far less soluble Tren base begins to precipitate out of solution.
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anyone else having issue with ppl trenbolone ace getting cloudy even after second refiltering?
I was able to find something about this, anyone heard about this?
When I pin it in this state i get fucktons of PIP, with some fever as well.
When it's clear i get no pip.
Not sure what to do with it, kinda hesitating to pin it again, and probably no point refiltering it third time.
I've added more BB, before refiltering, same thing happend again.

I've read somewhere a theory that this:
This is a result of an incomplete estrification reaction on the part of the Chinese. There is likely (this is again unconfirmed) some amount of Trenbolone base in the Tren Ace. The Tren base is solubilized during production and a clear solution is bottled. Some time later the far less soluble Tren base begins to precipitate out of solution.
With PPL tren ace I have success at 2/18 and low heat. What BB % did you start with and what have you added?
With PPL tren ace I have success at 2/18 and low heat. What BB % did you start with and what have you added?
I've started with 1%BA, 15%BB, no heat during whole process, it was crystal clear once mixed in stirrer plate.
then I added 0.5ml of BB to each 10ml vial, so bumped to around 18% from 15% and refiltered it.
I've started with 1%BA, 15%BB, no heat during whole process, it was crystal clear once mixed in stirrer plate.
then I added 0.5ml of BB to each 10ml vial, so bumped to around 18% from 15% and refiltered it.
Sounds elementary but before you try adding anything else or filtering again, as I am sure you're loosing a little oil every time, use some heat. It may do the trick. I always use a little heat when dissolving raw into BB, that's sounding like the only thing you didn't do that I would have. I also always hit the powder weight at 10% over so 18% BB should be working. Maybe the extra 1% BA is driving that into suspension? Doubt it but you never know.

I find that tren ace/base theory is interesting. Going to do some reading on that.
Sounds elementary but before you try adding anything else or filtering again, as I am sure you're loosing a little oil every time, use some heat. It may do the trick. I always use a little heat when dissolving raw into BB, that's sounding like the only thing you didn't do that I would have. I also always hit the powder weight at 10% over so 18% BB should be working. Maybe the extra 1% BA is driving that into suspension? Doubt it but you never know.

I find that tren ace/base theory is interesting. Going to do some reading on that.
From what I've researched is that tren is quite prone to degradation / oxidation when u apply heat.
It was dissolving perfectly fine without any heat at all, so I see no point to add heat to the process.
Quite hesitant to pin that cloudy tren, will try in glute with mixed test enanthate and see how it feels.
If i get same crippling pip like last time, its a no go for me.
From what I've researched is that tren is quite prone to degradation / oxidation when u apply heat.
It was dissolving perfectly fine without any heat at all, so I see no point to add heat to the process.
Quite hesitant to pin that cloudy tren, will try in glute with mixed test enanthate and see how it feels.
If i get same crippling pip like last time, its a no go for me.
It's fine to heat as long as you don't go wild with the heat I have some at 2 18% 120mg/ml looks just like my sust no difference in color if you over heat it will change color but I didn't have any trouble with mine holding at 120 going to do 150mg next.
I just keep it a little hot to touch and take it on and off the heat while stirring.
If there was base mixed with it .
It would peak on the assays when tested.
e2 = estradiol, this is the active form of estrogen and the one we are most concerned with and what's included in blood test. The two others are estrone and estradiol.

Methyl estradiol would be methylated estradiol, which makes it synthetic. This is not something your body can create on it's own.
Right but it doesnt show up on bloodwork as e2 or does it?
anyone else having issue with ppl trenbolone ace getting cloudy even after second refiltering?
I was able to find something about this, anyone heard about this?
When I pin it in this state i get fucktons of PIP, with some fever as well.
When it's clear i get no pip.
Not sure what to do with it, kinda hesitating to pin it again, and probably no point refiltering it third time.
I've added more BB, before refiltering, same thing happend again.

I've read somewhere a theory that this:
This is a result of an incomplete estrification reaction on the part of the Chinese. There is likely (this is again unconfirmed) some amount of Trenbolone base in the Tren Ace. The Tren base is solubilized during production and a clear solution is bottled. Some time later the far less soluble Tren base begins to precipitate out of solution.

Heat your oils on your stove top dude. I use setting 4-5 and shake em good and then draw the oil. It will flow like water and when it cools down to slightly warm I inject.

I've had semi-crashed gear plenty and this is always the quick fix. You have to warm it like this every time, but it's worth it trust me. Has worked wonders for me :)
anyone else having issue with ppl trenbolone ace getting cloudy even after second refiltering?
I was able to find something about this, anyone heard about this?
When I pin it in this state i get fucktons of PIP, with some fever as well.
When it's clear i get no pip.
Not sure what to do with it, kinda hesitating to pin it again, and probably no point refiltering it third time.
I've added more BB, before refiltering, same thing happend again.

I've read somewhere a theory that this:
This is a result of an incomplete estrification reaction on the part of the Chinese. There is likely (this is again unconfirmed) some amount of Trenbolone base in the Tren Ace. The Tren base is solubilized during production and a clear solution is bottled. Some time later the far less soluble Tren base begins to precipitate out of solution.
I had the same problem as your having. After adding more BB and cold refiltering ive been fortunate. What is your recipe? What kind of filtration are you using? Maybe i could help. My buddy got me straightened out so maybe i can pass it forward.
Keep me posted.
I have always assumed up to the melting point would be a safe range but have always stayed within a temp that I could physically touch without causing any real discomfort to my skin. Lovely word in there: assumed
Yeah I heat everything and stuff that has a real high melting point I turn it on up make things easier and quick.
I had the same problem as your having. After adding more BB and cold refiltering ive been fortunate. What is your recipe? What kind of filtration are you using? Maybe i could help. My buddy got me straightened out so maybe i can pass it forward.
Keep me posted.
Thanks buddy
Recipe was 15%bb, 1%ba, mct oil.
And 100mg/ml
Im using 0.22u sterile syringe filters.
After it happend first time i added 0.5ml bb to each vial (2vials) and refiltered. But it happend again.
Any tips id appreciate thx m8
Thanks buddy
Recipe was 15%bb, 1%ba, mct oil.
And 100mg/ml
Im using 0.22u sterile syringe filters.
After it happend first time i added 0.5ml bb to each vial (2vials) and refiltered. But it happend again.
Any tips id appreciate thx m8
Unfortunately, i too am learning but once I upped my BB content to 20% and refiltered a lil over room temp I've been straight since.
Cleared right up. If you need specifics hmu. Was cloudy as shit prior.


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Anyone running the Bold Cyp?
Ran it a couple weeks and a buddy is still on it. Mine was early domestic and was either MCT or Migyol. Didn't agree with me at all. My buddy is taking Panda Test Cyp (brewed at 250) 2x week and the Bold Cyp (finished product) 2x week. Says he is past the pip now and it doesn't bother him. He's getting strong and gaining well. I switched to ppl EQ raws instead of the BC.