PurplePandaLabs Raw source

k.. it has no label..small as shit

All of my hcg came in ampoules, one for powder, one with the water that I threw away. Do you have a sealed vial of powder that you can mix in and then draw from?

Back in the day, with advice from another forum, I would mix up all my hcg, pull 500iu into slin pins, then freeze them all to use later. But since then, I have seen discussions on to freeze or not to freeze hcg and I think the answer was not to freeze.
no sterile vials at the moment..
im just gonna reconstitute in a used jar of olives.. not gonna wash btw so the vinegar left behind is used to sterilze????
no sterile vials at the moment..
im just gonna reconstitute in a used jar of olives.. not gonna wash btw so the vinegar left behind is used to sterilze????

I'm assuming you'r kidding. If serious you gonna die.

Amazon has sterile vials for $13 for a 5 pack.
Math was off it was 1.14 but gotcha boss. It was my first coin purchase and yeah the fees are wild especially when Coinbase charges for everything I move. I’ll just send $10 Extra next time to avoid the issue
I sent panda 160 a few weeks ago and it said I was 1 dollar short because the value went down but with the rise I value that 159 I sent them became like 330 bucks so fuck them that little difference is the cost of business when using bitcoin

The water/lighter talk is a bit much. Water all day if I had to chose.

The temp on a flame is much higher than water, obviously. Your exposure time in water is longer and more gradual, leaving the basic chemical structure of the syringe the same. The flame being what it is has a profound change on plastics that aren't flame rated. I can bet my bottom dollar your syringe isn't fire rated in any way. Your exposure time with a flame would be so short you would have zero change on the temp of the oil inside of the syringe, unless you burnt the plastic.

This isn't even debatable from this simple approach.

I respectfully disagree. Yes a flame is way hotter, BUT I can run a flame up and down my finger for 20-30 seconds without burning it because I don't simply hold it in one place thus when doing this to a syringe there are no hot spots and the temperature in any given area remains rather low. I'm talking a SMALL lighter here dude and only tens of seconds of exposure. And talking about fire rating, seriously lol? Again I'm not BURNING anything just exposing to a heat source for a very short time!

Running my syringe under a dirty sink and then using a towel with germs all over it to dry my syringe is not for me. Anyways whatevski :)
since I don't have a sterile bottle.. just gonna use the 1ml vial the hcg comes in..
5 unit mark with 1ml to 5000ui ratio...
quoting u so that when I die ... I can come back and haunt ur ass..hahah

Your hcg should be sterile no? When I run peptides/HGH I just put my sterile/bac water straight into the vial and then go to town. Perhaps I'm missing something here?
Your hcg should be sterile no? When I run peptides/HGH I just put my sterile/bac water straight into the vial and then go to town. Perhaps I'm missing something here?
yes u are missing something. theyr reffering to using a vial cuz theyr isn't enough room in the vial the hcg comes with to add much water..
im gonna add 2 ml of water in the tiny vial it comes in.. and pin that shit..