PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I respectfully disagree. Yes a flame is way hotter, BUT I can run a flame up and down my finger for 20-30 seconds without burning it because I don't simply hold it in one place thus when doing this to a syringe there are no hot spots and the temperature in any given area remains rather low. I'm talking a SMALL lighter here dude and only tens of seconds of exposure. And talking about fire rating, seriously lol? Again I'm not BURNING anything just exposing to a heat source for a very short time!

Running my syringe under a dirty sink and then using a towel with germs all over it to dry my syringe is not for me. Anyways whatevski :)
Dude you just aren't getting it. Don't do anything with the syringe, heat the oil in the VIAL, with whatever method besides a lighter you prefer, then clean the rubber with alcohol before piercing it and drawing the warmed oil into the syringe.

All your talk about the fucking thermodynamics of plastic is pointless if you just warm the oil in the glass vial like common sense dictates.
Ok guys no bloods but I’m getting raging boners 10 times a day even if I just smell a girls farts...I think it’s real

Now I just need a gf before I go out like one of these senators lol
Dude you just aren't getting it. Don't do anything with the syringe, heat the oil in the VIAL, with whatever method besides a lighter you prefer, then clean the rubber with alcohol before piercing it and drawing the warmed oil into the syringe.

All your talk about the fucking thermodynamics of plastic is pointless if you just warm the oil in the glass vial like common sense dictates.

I usually do this, but at times I'm not able to and there's lots of guys that are on the go because of a busy life/work etc. I use the lighter method when I inject my no ester gear right before training. TONS and TONS of guys warm their syringes under hot tap water and have for fucking YEARS and YEARS man and the lighter method isn't new either.

Common sense you say huh? Man some of you guys here just have such a singular way of thinking and reasoning lol. Just because something is different doesn't make it wrong!
hey no1 chimed in on the delay of mast p/test p/tren a/winny suspension before effects kick in.. with these esthers especially winny.. wouldnt they b on the spot?? I mean I know theirs a saturation period.. but its no test e ... atleast the winny.. wouldnt the winny hit me an hour after pin??
as of now.. even though it hasn't been long at all.. days) I feel no added strength or stamina at the gym.. ive actually felt more sluggish since I started.. ;(
I know the estherized aas's would take a bit.. so I know its not pin n go..
but the winny would b wouldnt it?? I mean this is a compound used usually for 6 weeks .. I wouldnt expect it to start at week 2 ??
again I repeat my earlier post.. before ive only ran long esthers... and never winny or hcg..
thus why my last couple of posts..
as always thanx for the input bro's
hey no1 chimed in on the delay of mast p/test p/tren a/winny suspension before effects kick in.. with these esthers especially winny.. wouldnt they b on the spot?? I mean I know theirs a saturation period.. but its no test e ... atleast the winny.. wouldnt the winny hit me an hour after pin??
as of now.. even though it hasn't been long at all.. days) I feel no added strength or stamina at the gym.. ive actually felt more sluggish since I started.. ;(
I know the estherized aas's would take a bit.. so I know its not pin n go..
but the winny would b wouldnt it?? I mean this is a compound used usually for 6 weeks .. I wouldnt expect it to start at week 2 ??
again I repeat my earlier post.. before ive only ran long esthers... and never winny or hcg..
thus why my last couple of posts..
as always thanx for the input bro's
How long you been on?