Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Yeah, 3 mL test/mast/primo EOD is a little pippy but tolerable. Rotate inj sites, etc., etc.


I inject 2ml/day of a test/tren/mast mix (not ripped stack but all qsc), pretty much always some kind of pip. Could be my fault but didnt start until this cycle
He's talking about the ripped stack blend not mixing of qsc oils individually. 300mg/ml is different from 300mg/3ml in case you didn't know
Lol if I'm going name brand on anything it's the piece of equipment that gonna sterilize my oil.

That being said I totally get you haha
The yellow ones sold on amazon,forgot name 0,22um are great,green ones are awful. Now what connection color has I dont know...could be that yellow is for oil and green for water? Anyway i am able to make 20vials with single yellow...and with green is pain in ass and I struggle to make 3-4.
The yellow ones sold on amazon,forgot name 0,22um are great,green ones are awful. Now what connection color has I dont know...could be that yellow is for oil and green for water? Anyway i am able to make 20vials with single yellow...and with green is pain in ass and I struggle to make 3-4.
Do you perhaps know if 0,20um is also good or needs to be 0,22um only?
Anyone willing to part with any 200mg primo ? Somehow my kit got mixed up and thrown out by our housekeeper (my fault) and now domestic is sold out so have to wait for intl. Have btc or trade for qsc test 250, pm me. If this isn’t allowed please delete. Thanks
House keeper knows good primo when they see it, straight taxed it off you
Another 10/10 order received from QSC the GOATs
this is one of those weird times where the orders may take longer. I always been fortunate to get it nearly all of my packages in 2 weeks but obviously making sure the packages have safe passage is more important than speed.