Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Two weeks for what? The domestic? I hope not.
Correct. You have to factor in time for them to respond, time to send Bitcoin, time for them to respond again to confirm receipt, time for them to ship, and finally shipping. They say a week but in my experience it was a little longer and mail is still a little slow right now. At least my packages are arriving late at the moment
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no but he wrote yesterday that Domestic shipments will continue, unfortunately people don't read and write
My friend, this is a 2162 pages post, it means if you read 1 or 2 times this forum each week, you have prolly 20/25 pages to read to find an info that could be requested.
Thanks for the answer and spare your arrogance for yourself, we are all on the same boat here, so just help people and do a smile.

My friend, this is a 2162 pages post, it means if you read 1 or 2 times this forum each week, you have prolly 20/25 pages to read to find an info that could be requested.
Thanks for the answer and spare your arrogance for yourself, we are all on the same boat here, so just help people and do a smile.

this is my smile :) :) :) :)
If I placed a US domestic order right NOW, how long might it take to arrive following payment? And how long for the Whatsapp of the order to be answered in the first place? I emailed an international order on the 18th but if it's gonna be 2 months until I get it ...
If read through this thread your questions have already been answered hundreds of times.
are the 24iu hgh vials the same size as all the other peptide vials you carry?

also i remember in the past the hcg was hard to test accurately, is that still the case? is the hcg recombinant?
The 24iu vials are the same size. The puck and vial weighing 6g as for the 10iu same weight 6g. One noticeable difference caps are grey on the batch received. Not sure if they will stick with the grey tops for the 24iu I’m assuming they will but who knows.
Did you notice any benefits? I was running 1 g/d for a while (6 months or so) of a couple different injectable carnitine preparations.

One of them burned like hell at first, but didn't see any gains on top of 125 TRT.
Yeah, noticed a increase in metabolism, ran hot most of the day to the point I had a client commenting while I was working in their air conditioned office how much I was sweating. Was running 1200mg in the am before training.

Think I read somewhere that it works better with insulin though I need to check up on this more.

I don't think l-carn is some super supplement, just a good addition
Piracetam still banned? Do you have any racetams in stock? Phenylpiracetam, aniracetam or oxiracetam available?
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