Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I appreciate your perspective, but I believe there are some misconceptions that need to be addressed regarding the shipping terms and the vendor's responsibility in this situation.

While it's true that international commerce operates under various terms and conditions, such as Incoterms, it's important to note that the specific terms agreed upon between the vendor and the customer should be clear and communicated effectively. In the case of QSC, there was no mention of DAP (Delivered at Place) terms in the original communication from Tracy.

While opting out of shipping insurance may imply a certain level of risk acceptance on the part of the customer, it does not absolve the vendor of their responsibility to provide satisfactory service and assistance. Even without insurance, customers should still expect transparency, accountability, and respect from the company.

The issue here extends beyond just the rejection of the shipment by customs. It's about the overall lack of communication, responsiveness, and support from QSC when faced with such challenges. It's about treating customers with respect and addressing their concerns in a professional manner, regardless of the circumstances.

Suggesting that customers should simply accept the loss as an "expensive lesson" overlooks the legitimate frustrations and expectations of customers. Businesses thrive on customer satisfaction and loyalty, and it's in their best interest to ensure that customers feel valued and supported throughout the transaction process.

International commerce may indeed operate under specific terms and conditions, it's essential for vendors like QSC to uphold their end of the deal and provide reliable service and support to their customers. Dismissing legitimate concerns as a mere contractual matter overlooks the broader principles of customer service and accountability. Thank you for your understanding.
Like his last reply, this was generated by ChaptGPT or a similar tool. Why hasn't this guy been banned? Are you allowed to post AI generated responses here as if they were human discussion? Isn't this spam?


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How long do they usually take between payment, and confirmation of payment received?

Paying by crypto
I don't think I have EVER received a confirmation of payment reply from QSC when paying by crypto... and why should I expect one? That's what the blockchain is for! You can check the blockchain explorer and confirm yourself that payment has been received.

Usually the next reply I get from Tracy after payment is the tracking number once order is shipped. Though I had 1 order leading into xmas where no tracking number was provided and the pack just arrived 1 day (Which I get, would have been a busy time on QSC end)
I appreciate your perspective, and I understand how it might seem contradictory to express dissatisfaction after explicitly declining reship insurance. While I take responsibility for that decision, my frustration stems from the lack of clarity surrounding the specific reason for customs' refusal and the subsequent loss incurred.

In hindsight, I acknowledge that opting out of insurance was my choice, and I accept the consequences of that decision. However, I believe it's reasonable to seek clarification on the circumstances surrounding the rejection and explore potential avenues for resolution. My intention is not to shift blame but rather to understand the situation fully and find a constructive path forward.

Your analogy regarding car insurance is apt, and I agree that individuals bear responsibility for their choices. Nevertheless, when faced with unforeseen challenges, it's natural to seek understanding and potential solutions.
It was your countries customs where the issue is, correct?

The onus is on you to clarify the reason then as you had accepted the importation risk.... Contact your countries customs and ASK THEM!

Its got nothing to do with QSC or Tracy!

This is why some of us pay the insurance.... Then the responsibility lays squarely with QSC to understand customs risks and how to ensure delivery as a failure to deliver has a very real cost for QSC as they need to reship insured orders.
so it has been seized

17track doesn't say anything
Why would 17track say anything? Its just tracking software.... Its not like customs notifies 17Track that they have seized the package. You need to be watching what your order is doing, where it seems to be and deduce if there is any unusual activity that might require your attention and action.

Or, just wait around blindly holding your dick in your hand until they do a no knock entry into your house at 6am one morning.

Better to be prepared then caught unprepared.
Why would 17track say anything? Its just tracking software.... Its not like customs notifies 17Track that they have seized the package. You need to be watching what your order is doing, where it seems to be and deduce if there is any unusual activity that might require your attention and action.

Or, just wait around blindly holding your dick in your hand until they do a no knock entry into your house at 6am one morning.

Better to be prepared then caught unprepared.
For Canadians for example, it can show refused by customs and on special line, it happen that it shows seized by customs.
For other countries it doesn't, for finland it can show customs confiscated.
for people waiting on tracking yday I received mine after roughly a week after putting in the order and boom later in the day the pack showed up. So just because you havent gotten tracking doesnt mean it hasnt shipped. Thankfully they pack things good cause I had a small breakage and oil leaked everywhere however just mainly inside the box.
merda na alfandega, eu também recebi pacotes da Europa anos atrás e a fonte alegou que foi reenviado, nunca recebi

Eles têm dois grupos de testes coletivos e os grupos são enviados para Jano. Os resultados de vários fornecedores, incluindo qsc, são publicados algumas vezes por mês. Um deles é o grupo de testes que postou o recente produto qsc com subdosagem, discutido algumas páginas atrás. Outro postado no quadro Changland nos resultados do Meso Jano mostrando algo em torno de 50% de produto subdosado. Você pode ir até aquele fórum e ler tudo sobre isso.
Não há como chegar a uma resolução. Você não comprou seguro, a que exatamente você acha que tem direito? Estou aqui para te dizer, nada. Tenho um negócio e quando um cliente toma uma decisão estúpida, estou ocupado demais para mimar sua ignorância, apesar do meu conselho.

Dito isto, a forma como ele lida com isso é ruim e pode ter sido mais humano oferecer ajuda. Mas no momento em que ele recusou ajuda além de uma avaliação correta, você não pode esperar nada. É uma merda, mas comprar 3 mil de qualquer coisa pelos preços dele é puramente por motivos de revendedor. Foi muito estúpido da sua parte.

Você é um idiota. Você está em todos os lugares. Cada postagem que vejo você literalmente tem uma fonte de próstata bem no fundo de você. Não tenho nenhum pônei na corrida QSC e posso ver que o atendimento ao cliente dele é péssimo por um motivo ou outro. Não ataque as avaliações e feedbacks dos membros. Você parece uma das pessoas mais sem classe neste fórum.
Qual o nome dos grupos por favor quero acompanhar
Did I dream this or did qsc say orals are coming back this year?
The promo for HGH will be extended for one week, until I catch up on all the backlog of orders, you can continue to order GH at our wonderful prices.
10x10iu $40/kit
10x15iu $53/kit
10x24iu $90/kit

QSC has lots of surprises in store for you after this Chinese New Year, during which we charged the batteries well to kick ass for the rest of the year.

We will add a new variety of products that you have been waiting for a long time, of course, after testing it ;)

We are also going to make our overseas warehouses full of a little bit of everything, more variety planned in Canada, EU, and of course in USA we will put almost everything we can.

Communication will improve very soon with new arrivals who will help me with emails.

QSC will very soon be a one stop shop for you all