Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Package t/d smoothly an hour ago. I always refrigerate my sema after reconstituting, but are you guys freezing or refrigerating the powder form? Seeing too much variance when searching for an answer and want to make sure this year supply does not go to waste
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Package t/d smoothly an hour ago. I always refrigerate my sema after reconstituting, but are you guys freezing or refrigerating the powder form? Seeing too much variance when searching for an answer and won’t to make sure this year supply does not go to waste
I keep it all in the fridge.
@GaulEmilRenzo The Paria diving disaster. Wow that's crazy I heard delta p and thought they all died instantly.

They wish they died instantly. I just watched the video on it. Only one survivor and the other 4 had to sit in a pipe that was only 30 inches in diameter… Broken limbs, breathing in oil fumes, and left for dead because nobody felt safe with rescue teams. They even heard the guys knocking from inside the pipe but played it off like that could’ve been anything.
They wish they died instantly. I just watched the video on it. Only one survivor and the other 4 had to sit in a pipe that was only 30 inches in diameter… Broken limbs, breathing in oil fumes, and left for dead because nobody felt safe with rescue teams. They even heard the guys knocking from inside the pipe but played it off like that could’ve been anything.
Yeah I saw that, damn man that's terrible.
Chose express shipping for last order. Shipped Feb 28, made it into Canada on the 29th and has been sitting in the shipping warehouse not moving since there. What are the chances it hasn't been flagged by customs?
Hey tracy emailed you Friday im2 packs 2 weeks ago. There was a 5 day period between both my domestic line orders and the one that I order 5 days after the other one came Friday and still nothing from the 1st. Haven’t received a response since Friday through your email
@GaulEmilRenzo The Paria diving disaster. Wow that's crazy I heard delta p and thought they all died instantly.

If we’re talking about claustrophobia, go watch some videos of the people who go extreme cave diving. Those guys are lunatics. I’d rather be water boarded than stuck in a position like this. And they do this for fun.

View: https://youtube.com/shorts/PlW79uMNBNw?si=Ztw2lxdm8XaGw4o7

Christ. Yep I've definitely read about all of these incidents and more. Hard fuckin pass for me. I don't do confined spaces as an adult. When I was a kid I must have just been too dumb to care because I would go anywhere. As an adult no fuckin way, boys. Hard pass for me on the spelunking especially.
Anyone got tirz 5mg transparent blue tops?
Good to go or any testing?
I wanna make sure they aren’t 30mg by mistake and end up going way too hot when i start using them.
Anyone got tirz 5mg transparent blue tops?
Good to go or any testing?
I wanna make sure they aren’t 30mg by mistake and end up going way too hot when i start using them.
I've got them, they work great. 700mcg eod blunts my appetite just enough so I'm not craving food.
If we’re talking about claustrophobia, go watch some videos of the people who go extreme cave diving. Those guys are lunatics. I’d rather be water boarded than stuck in a position like this. And they do this for fun.

View: https://youtube.com/shorts/PlW79uMNBNw?si=Ztw2lxdm8XaGw4o7

Reminds me of a documentary I watched about Nutty-putty cave and the dude that got stuck and died in his stuck position. Not exactly cave diving but same difference as far as I'm concerned.
I'll get a better adrenaline rush from ordering combined 10kg of various raws, and having it delivered to a PO Box at the local USPS office located right next to the Police + Fire station, then boldly walking in to collect my package.