Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

There's no conspiracy here. He was just confronted with the reality of UGL orals by the single lab with enough integrity to conduct appropriate testing, and be forthright about the results.
Let’s not pretend this testing is the result of some unusual level of integrity, it is profit-driven which im sure even Tracy would agree with. Tracy is a business person responding to incentives, and sees an opportunity in delivering compounds of known quality when he knows everything is getting tested and results published afterwards anyway. He is boosting sales and avoiding scandals. The outcome is the same, but when you say it’s the result of integrity people start expecting a level of customer service that they’re not going to get here, or things like throwing out the batch altogether which would be the move a firm actually driven by integrity would make.
Let’s not pretend this testing is the result of some unusual level of integrity, it is profit-driven which im sure even Tracy would agree with. Tracy is a business person responding to incentives, and sees an opportunity in delivering compounds of known quality when he knows everything is getting tested and results published afterwards anyway. He is boosting sales and avoiding scandals. The outcome is the same, but when you say it’s the result of integrity people start expecting a level of customer service that they’re not going to get here, or things like throwing out the batch altogether which would be the move a firm actually driven by integrity would make.

Integrity doesn't necessarily say anything about motivation, even though it's often associated with morality.

In this context it's the quality of "soundness", like "integrity of the data".

If saving customers from potential harm requires pulling a product that could cause it, after making the consumer fully aware of what they're getting, most AAS wouldn't be sold.

Integrity in this scene is "Here's what I'm offering, no surprises, now that you know make up your own mind."