Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I must have not researched tesamorelin enough, I thought it seemed alright. I got 2 kits of the shit. Got any links on it?
Women and children are loved unconditionally for who they are.

Live with a woman, married or otherwise, lose your job and rely on her financially, and see how long that lasts.

Male unemployment is the single biggest predictor of a divorce being filed within the following year.

A woman losing her job doesn't increase the odds of divorce at all.

That's not a complaint; or whining. It's just how it is, and a reminder that as a man you'd better keep your stuff together or the world will discard
Maybe because as men we're suppose to be providers.
Quick TD US Domestic. No tracking # provided but it came quick so who cares. Different shit had the same color tops. Dumb as hell. They have a barcode and I think I'm smart enough to figure it out but having the same color tops sucks for keeping track post receiving.

I'll drag out my old label maker for fucks sake
Quick TD US Domestic. No tracking # provided but it came quick so who cares. Different shit had the same color tops. Dumb as hell. They have a barcode and I think I'm smart enough to figure it out but having the same color tops sucks for keeping track post receiving.

I'll drag out my old label maker for fucks sake
Before anyone gets too bent out of shape, I'm as put off by all these weaklings science has cursed us with by producing hormonal supplement "cheats" as you are.

Everything can be accomplished with sufficient discipline.

Cheaters who use:

Glucagon (GLP) - Won't keep the food out.

Insulin - Won't keep the sugar out.

Progesterone (Birth Control) - Won't keep the D out.

Testosterone (subpar genetics aid) - Won't do the workout.
also those weakling ladies in 1920-50s who used diet aids and energy boosters to keep the house together. even though they grew majority of the food they ate and or 99% home made.

or army folks who cant focus so take modafinil and adderal. weak minded..

while I get your sentiment and of course partly true. have to remember its ~20$ for a whole raw chicken or 10$ for a chemical/sugar/salt soaked micro plastic pre roast chicken.. some people will say why would I warm up my house and take the time when can buy it ready made for 50% the price... why buy 12 eggs when can get 4 cheeseburgers instead for same price and can get back to my phone/work/playstation/tiktok.

asking woman to keep D is a crazy thought as mostly men that convince them.. woman just had kids earlier when there was no birth control because couldn't keep D out then either.. Not sure if you want economy to crash but if we lost all the woman in the work force because taking care of kids it would be an issue. I will say nordic countries have balanced this better, helping moms with free nannies days off etc, and free college so dont have to work to pay off loans during childbearing years.
Does your dumbass believe all the shit you google? Another meathead with no brains.

No brain….like asking what PEDs get you shredded without effecting fertility. Right right gotcha. Since you’re a little slow in the head AAS won’t get you shredded to start with, begin your researching in that department.

Dumb Ass GIF by Law Office of Robert Eckard
also those weakling ladies in 1920-50s who used diet aids and energy boosters to keep the house together. even though they grew majority of the food they ate and or 99% home made.

or army folks who cant focus so take modafinil and adderal. weak minded..

while I get your sentiment and of course partly true. have to remember its ~20$ for a whole raw chicken or 10$ for a chemical/sugar/salt soaked micro plastic pre roast chicken.. some people will say why would I warm up my house and take the time when can buy it ready made for 50% the price... why buy 12 eggs when can get 4 cheeseburgers instead for same price and can get back to my phone/work/playstation/tiktok.

asking woman to keep D is a crazy thought as mostly men that convince them.. woman just had kids earlier when there was no birth control because couldn't keep D out then either.. Not sure if you want economy to crash but if we lost all the woman in the work force because taking care of kids it would be an issue. I will say nordic countries have balanced this better, helping moms with free nannies days off etc, and free college so dont have to work to pay off loans during childbearing years.

While many things are achievable, in theory, through willpower, nearly everyone has resorted to the assistance of the things science has put at our disposal. The irony of anyone using a "shortcut" looking down on others for doing the same, or worse, as literally some kind of subhuman is hypocritical beyond belief, and it requires a stubborn, deliberate kind of ignorance to maintain that position..

I don't know what it's like where you are, but it's been obvious to me, and widely reported in the news, gyms and trainers are experiencing a significant uptick in business from a sizable subset of GLP users who, feeling empowered over their health for the first time, have started to exercise on a regular basis. This should be encouraged, but there's a small group here who think those people are "trash", who deserve to be driven out, shamed and humiliated until they stop using GLP hormones to curb their appetite.
Anyone got a good way to consume raws? I have QSC Dapoxetine HCl, but cant find a convenient way to consume it. Mixing with water or raw under thumb is a no no (HCl, burns the mouth), if you prepare a solution its only possible with DMSO which still smells like shit afterwards, and i cant think of anything else. I might try capsules, but with how strong HCl is i just think it might cause gut issues. Anyone got a good way to prep it? For anavar and other orals aswell, bot sure if they are that strong too
Anyone got a good way to consume raws? I have QSC Dapoxetine HCl, but cant find a convenient way to consume it. Mixing with water or raw under thumb is a no no (HCl, burns the mouth), if you prepare a solution its only possible with DMSO which still smells like shit afterwards, and i cant think of anything else. I might try capsules, but with how strong HCl is i just think it might cause gut issues. Anyone got a good way to prep it? For anavar and other orals aswell, bot sure if they are that strong too
Use search button for instructions, capping or ora plus.
I must have not researched tesamorelin enough, I thought it seemed alright. I got 2 kits of the shit. Got any links on it?
One of the members thinks ipa is superior and there are various posts about it. Do a search for the substance, if you like, a see all previous posts (you can do the same with tesamorelin) so you can hear from people who took/take it.
Got some barely visible floaters in my Deca 200. Just wondering what these floaters are? I'm thinking they're just common byproducts from the oil, like pieces of flower/vegetation, but I don't know.

They aren't dark or anything, just white and very tiny. I'm thinking it's somewhat crashed. That said, I got some syringe filters and I'm going to filter them into a sterile vial. Any other recommendations for how to deal with this, or is the general consensus just: syringe filter -> inject into 10ml vials?
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This should be encouraged, but there's a small group here who think those people are "trash", who deserve to be driven out, shamed and humiliated until they stop using GLP hormones to curb their appetite.

I don't think that, but I don't like the type of attention it brings here. A large influx of people who come here for only that one thing can slowly change the culture of a place.
Got some barely visible floaters in my Deca 200. Just wondering what these floaters are? I'm thinking they're just common byproducts from the oil, like pieces of flower/vegetation, but I don't know.

They aren't dark or anything, just white and very tiny. I'm thinking it's somewhat crashed. That said, I got some syringe filters and I'm going to filter them into a sterile vial. Any other recommendations for how to deal with this, or is the general consensus just: syringe filter -> inject into 10ml vials?
lol no its not from oil, even edible oil to have vegetation would be crazy.

They are micro plastics from the filter. poor quality, old or pushed to hard for aster production.

now the question I, if you filter makes your product dirtier, does it really filter? lol
lol no its not from oil, even edible oil to have vegetation would be crazy.

They are micro plastics from the filter. poor quality, old or pushed to hard for aster production.

now the question I, if you filter makes your product dirtier, does it really filter? lol

The QSC brewer has no attention to detail. It's like having a laboratory full of equipment but a monkey is at the helm. And people wonder why their tabs are so far off on dosage. You can get better equipment but the monkey is still there.
The QSC brewer has no attention to detail. It's like having a laboratory full of equipment but a monkey is at the helm. And people wonder why their tabs are so far off on dosage. You can get better equipment but the monkey is still there.
didn't know had issues with new new tabs? trial and error I think they at least try. but speed is how they make money, its the McDonalds model. reason they Make needle filters :)

imo while injecting plastic may not be harmful in short term, feel like would make cyst cancer eventually.