Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I really strongly suggest you remove QDSIGMA* labels from the outside of your boxes. This identifies exactly what customers are purchasing for anyone who handles mail to see.

With image recognition applied to all scanned packages, this would make it extremely easy to destroy your domestic shipping channels at scale, and it puts customers at risk for arrests because now governments know who is buying domestic QSC gear, and where the shipping origins are.

Let’s get some opsec up in here.
May be old stock as previous orders had those sku's but recent orders had different generic looking sku's.
Go to the gym, log off for a day.

Never answered my question … are you a female and do you actually workout ? Or do you just like forums to discuss everything but PED’s ?

I’ve been thinking about this comment and wondering what you’re implying. There are plenty of guys who don’t work out and discuss everything but PED’s. Theyre allowed to be off-topic (whatever the topic on this thread is…) Why single her out? Are you suggesting women and their opinions aren’t welcome here? (Rhetorical question, because yes, you are suggesting that)

I can’t speak for her, but I enjoy this forum and particular thread far above any other related source. As I’ve said before, the bodybuilding community has a place in my heart and I love the brutal honesty here. I like this thread for QSC content. I don’t comment on PED’s because I don’t know shit, but this isn’t about them anyways.

Anyways, I’ve learned more and laughed more here than anywhere else. Don’t be that guy, I’d hate to see it devolve into an incel space.
So your just trying to be a little shady.... give them the source contact let them order their own drugs. Whay you are doing is called power control..if you want to be a source... be a source..either way I do not agree with tour tactics.. get it and then reship it...your afraid u may loose out on a couple bucks.. lol. I throw a little gear to a couple of my hommies.. I tell them this is what I paid for it this is what I'm selling it to you for.. if you want I. A give you the info you. An order directly for yourself.. its called being a straight up mother fxscker.. you should try it. Either way do you dawg.. peace!!
Who gives a shit what he’s doing ?! Id be making a profit to if that was me. Mind ya own
I’ve been thinking about this comment and wondering what you’re implying. There are plenty of guys who don’t work out and discuss everything but PED’s. Theyre allowed to be off-topic (whatever the topic on this thread is…) Why single her out? Are you suggesting women and their opinions aren’t welcome here? (Rhetorical question, because yes, you are suggesting that)

I can’t speak for her, but I enjoy this forum and particular thread far above any other related source. As I’ve said before, the bodybuilding community has a place in my heart and I love the brutal honesty here. I like this thread for QSC content. I don’t comment on PED’s because I don’t know shit, but this isn’t about them anyways.

Anyways, I’ve learned more and laughed more here than anywhere else. Don’t be that guy, I’d hate to see it devolve into an incel space.
This thread is supposed to be about the source and PED’s not all this dumb ass off the wall bullshit.

So what exactly are you here for @Northfortuly ?
This thread is supposed to be about the source and PED’s not all this dumb ass off the wall bullshit.

So what exactly are you here for @Northfortuly ?
Amen. I come here to see if Tracy has announced anything worthwhile, and I have to sift through 20 pages of absolute off topic nonsense to find a post even related to AAS. It’s absolute horse shit.
I’ve been on message boards for 20 years and I’ve never seen such a cluster fuck as this thread.
Now we actually have people admitting they don’t even take gear and just come here for the conversation???? Jesus Harold Christ make it stop.
I wish Millard would come in here and clean house.
This thread is supposed to be about the source and PED’s not all this dumb ass off the wall bullshit.

So what exactly are you here for @Northfortuly ?

Well, you’ll have to tell Tracy and everyone else that it’s about PED’s, because that’s not all that is discussed here.

Edit to add, I’m certainly not here for conversation, lol. I’m here for QSC, and every now and then I see a topic of interest.
Amen. I come here to see if Tracy has announced anything worthwhile, and I have to sift through 20 pages of absolute off topic nonsense to find a post even related to AAS. It’s absolute horse shit.
I’ve been on message boards for 20 years and I’ve never seen such a cluster fuck as this thread.
Now we actually have people admitting they don’t even take gear and just come here for the conversation???? Jesus Harold Christ make it stop.
I wish Millard would come in here and clean house.

Do you go into the other threads that aren’t PED related and vent there? No, and FYI, this forum is not strictly about PED’s. That’s a ridiculous statement. IMG_2429.jpeg
Can anyone tell me how long it took to get your tracking on the 36iu kits GB. US I’m guessing they’re INT.
Mine was less than a month (to US).
Yeah I figured that and that’s great news. Did you receive tracking and if so how long after payment usually. Only worried bc I ordered while gone to work but I come home for two weeks then head back out and kinda wanted it to be before I came back out so I could start my cycle lol.