Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

That's quite low though, but congrats if the dose works for you!
Yeah, I realized that shortly after seeing everyone's doses around 5mg haha.. I am very sensitive to drugs and a little goes a long way for me. I'm going to try 2mg today and see how it goes.
As most of you know. I've been an advocate of QSC both for the value they offer, and the incremental improvements they've made over time in response to feedback, despite the occasionally prickly attitude.

I've never been shy about pointing out their faults either, but always been fair, and urged others to have reasonable expectations as they seemed to do the right thing in terms of fair dealing.

I've pointed out no one should expect Amazon like delivery speed or customer service at these prices.

However, they have one iron clad obligation. Deliver what was paid for.

Unfortunately, they've failed to do that today and are trying to make me eat it.

I avoided buying their Tesamorelin because of numerous complaints regarding cloudiness and other issues. This was a blue topped batch made in Nov 2023.

Maybe it's fine, maybe it isn't, but I didn't want a batch of anything with a problem because to me, it leaves me wondering what other mistakes may have been made in its manufacture. I think that's a reasonable position.

View attachment 291228

Here he acknowledges blue tops have an issue, available at a discount, but if you want a new, better green topped batch, order international, at a significantly higher price.

So based on this, I made the choice to spend $500 on the new batch.

I click on the Tesa link in the price list and it confirms the international warehouse has the new green topped batch, and domestic still has the old blue topped cloudy batch.

View attachment 291231

View attachment 291253

Just to make sure there were no misunderstandings, I included this in my order email:

View attachment 291236

It ships, get's caught in the "returned to customer" problem, QSC sends it back out. A delay of a couple weeks, but not QSCs fault and all that matters to me is they handled it.

Unfortunately, what arrives is this:

View attachment 291237

Three kits of November 2023 made "cloudy batch" blue tops. WTF?

By this point. incidentally, the price list shows both warehouses have the new green batch. The group buy was filled with the green batch, even the promo mentioned above ended up getting the April 2024 green batch.

View attachment 291257

Obviously someone reached into the dumpster to fill my order.

Ok, I'm not unreasonable. Maybe it's not messed up, and those folks saying it wouldn't reconstitute. was cloudy, or ineffective were using bad BAC.

1ml of Pfizer BAC, no dilution. Ok, how about 2ml? 3ml?

3ml and much shaking I get this:

View attachment 291255

After settling:

View attachment 291240

A "cloudy" batch would be an upgrade from this crap.

I send off a polite email with all this info and pics. After 24 hours I send it again and get this:

View attachment 291241

I repeat my request to have this replaced with what I ordered, and thus far no response.

So here I diligently avoid a "problematic" batch, pay a premium, per Tracy's instructions to ensure I get the newer batch, and even after this old problematic batch has been purged from their inventory, according to the price list links, I get stuck with $500 worth of it.

I've been happy with everything else I've ordered from QSC, but this is unacceptable by any standard.

$500 won't make or break me, it's the principle. There was no room for misunderstanding as to what was represented and what I ordered.
Are these responses from Tracy or one of the assistants
Are these responses from Tracy or one of the assistants

Tracy, or someone using his account.

Obviously, this isn't some crybaby whining about a different colored top, a new batch with a milligram less or 1/2% difference in purity.

The green top batch was superior and that fact was used as a selling point, the old batch sold with a warning, instructions for those who wanted the new batch (buy from the international warehouse for more $), and for those who paid the clearance price for the blue tops but got green unexpectedly described by him as a nice bonus, because it was.

I didn't pay for the "reduced for quick sale" crap.

Hopefully he was tired and on the automatic mode BS complaints are swiped away with. We'll see.
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Tracy, or someone using his account.

Obviously, this isn't some crybaby whining about a different colored top, a new batch with a milligram less or 1/2% difference in purity.

The green top batch was superior and that fact was used as a selling point, the old batch sold with a warning, instructions for those who wanted the new batch (buy from the international warehouse for more $), and for those who paid the clearance price for the blue tops but got green unexpectedly described by him as a nice bonus, because it was.

I didn't pay for the "reduced for quick sale" crap.

Hopefully he was tired and on the automatic mode BS complaints are swiped away with. We'll see.
Looks like you have a valid complaint. These issues seem to get resolved if/when you get in contact with Tracy. I think you’ll be made while tbh. Appreciate you sharing. Keep us in the loop
Cardarine is fucking incredible. The endurance boost with that shit is phenomenal. Never paired it with tren but will be in about 6-8 weeks.

I’m excited to see what cardarine and eq does for endurance bc eq has been great too in the past for me.
What all you get out of cardarine? Eq run I hit a record of 35 wide grip pull ups but I have no legs. Bold cyp gave better pumps and vascularity but not the endurance it seems. (Maybe bc got older or paired with different compounds). But I'm in no hurry to shit anymore so might get a lot of eq... Appreciate for that
What all you get out of cardarine? Eq run I hit a record of 35 wide grip pull ups but I have no legs. Bold cyp gave better pumps and vascularity but not the endurance it seems. (Maybe bc got older or paired with different compounds). But I'm in no hurry to shit anymore so might get a lot of eq... Appreciate for that
I definitely agree agree the endurance with EQ seems to be much better than with Bold Cyp but the vascularity was a bid better with Cyp.

I’m not a big cardio person, I do very minimal but with caradine I just noticed a crazy crazy difference in endurance. Need way less time to recover in between sets. I’m going to failure but even at the end of the workouts it feels like I still can keep going and going even when my arms are pumped and I’m wobbling down the stairs at the gym. I just love it dude. I play a bit of beach volleyball, which is kinda funny bc I’m a flexible juice head but with the caradine I can play match after match. Plus its always improved my cholesterol which I do battle with. Also seems to do something to glucose levels bc if I take it fasted I go hypo as fuck if I don’t eat after. Helps me get pretty fucking lean and I’m not usually aiming for that too too much.

Next run with Anavar I’m gonna pair with with caradine bc anavar nukes mine. Interested to see what high EPA fish oil, eztiimbe and caradine do to offset the vars negative effects on cholesterol.
Anyone have a good protocol for NAD+ been looking around and can’t seem to find what I’m looking for.
I used to run Stan's. It was 150 or 175 mg can't quite remember. Anyway I split that into two shots once a week. I'm leaning towards 150 because 175 is a weird number.
I used to run Stan's. It was 150 or 175 mg can't quite remember. Anyway I split that into two shots once a week. I'm leaning towards 150 because 175 is a weird number.
That’s about what I could gather also. I tried a NAD blend before but couldn’t get past the sting to stay on it with any consistency. I put in a order so hopefully there’s is tolerable for me
Looks like you have a valid complaint. These issues seem to get resolved if/when you get in contact with Tracy. I think you’ll be made while tbh. Appreciate you sharing. Keep us in the loop
Not really valid actually.

It could be valid, if the Green tops tested better than the blue ones, but it's actually not the case, customer shouldn't complain because he received a higher purity batch instead of the lower purity one that matchs the color.

The Tesa 10mg blue tops were 97% : Janoshik Analytical

The tesa 10mg green tops tested initially +99% : Janoshik Analytical
But degraded very fast, and tested 95% on the second round of 3rd party testing: Janoshik Analytical
I assumed the green ones are better based on the initial testing I've done, but I was wrong.

@Ghoul is complaining because he didn't receive the green ones, I tried to explain to him that it's not longer a valid complaint, since the green ones are lower purity than the blue ones.
Not really valid actually.

It could be valid, if the Green tops tested better than the blue ones, but it's actually not the case, customer shouldn't complain because he received a higher purity batch instead of the lower purity one that matchs the color.

The Tesa 10mg blue tops were 97% : Janoshik Analytical

The tesa 10mg green tops tested initially +99% : Janoshik Analytical
But degraded very fast, and tested 95% on the second round of 3rd party testing: Janoshik Analytical
I assumed the green ones are better based on the initial testing I've done, but I was wrong.

@Ghoul is complaining because he didn't receive the green ones, I tried to explain to him that it's not longer a valid complaint, since the green ones are lower purity than the blue ones.
That makes more sense. Sucks the Tesa keeps degrading like this. I’m sure it’s fine to use like an occasional cloudy gh. May end up just being an inherent risk with the peptide itself and nothing to do with the chemist unfortunately.
That makes more sense. Sucks the Tesa keeps degrading like this. I’m sure it’s fine to use like an occasional cloudy gh. May end up just being an inherent risk with the peptide itself and nothing to do with the chemist unfortunately.
We are still working on it, and won't give up easily.
We will change the freeze-drying curve. The peptide engineer will be assisted by the HGH engineer for production process of the few peptides that test lower than 99% or degrade.
Not really valid actually.

It could be valid, if the Green tops tested better than the blue ones, but it's actually not the case, customer shouldn't complain because he received a higher purity batch instead of the lower purity one that matchs the color.

The Tesa 10mg blue tops were 97% : Janoshik Analytical

The tesa 10mg green tops tested initially +99% : Janoshik Analytical
But degraded very fast, and tested 95% on the second round of 3rd party testing: Janoshik Analytical
I assumed the green ones are better based on the initial testing I've done, but I was wrong.

@Ghoul is complaining because he didn't receive the green ones, I tried to explain to him that it's not longer a valid complaint, since the green ones are lower purity than the blue ones.

The blue tops from November 2023 don't reconstitute properly. This was a well known problem with many complaints about this batch, including doubts about its efficacy.

You had another batch made in April 2024 with green tops. No one has had a problem with them. They reconstitute properly, are clear, and work. Regardless of Janos purity test.

You sent the green April 2024 batch to the group buy, ensuring people it wasn't the blue November 2023 batch because no one wanted that.

You sent the green April 2024 to the the people who bought the later "special" from the US warehouse, saying those who already ordered were getting a nice surprise because it wasn't the blue cloudy batch, but the superior green April 2024 batch, and that you were raising the price for future orders because of that.

In both cases you said the new batch was higher quality without problems, because it is.


I did not want those blue tops from November 2023. The batch with complaints.

I followed your instructions and ordered from the international warehouse, paying MORE to ensure I got the green April 2024 batch.

Your price list link goes to the Jano report for green April 2024 batch.

Your price list still links to green April 2024 batch. .

I specified in my order I wanted the new batch.

But instead I get sent this ancient November 2023 batch, the one with all the quality complaints, and being told that actually, I'M BETTER OFF THAN ALL THOSE WHO GOT THE APRIL 2024 BATCH BECAUSE THIS IS THE *REAL* GOOD STUFF.

I don't care if the group buy green tops showed some degradation when the blind samples were sent in and are of lower purity. You're comparing that test to one done in November 2023 on this blue top garbage, do you think the blue tops haven't likely degraded in 9 months since that test was taken?


Ordered from the International warehouse for $165 / kit instead of $111 from the US like you said.

Confirmed the price list for the international warehouse linked to the Jano test showing the April 2024 batch, not this November 2023 garbage.

Specified in the email I wanted the new batch.

And despite all that, I'm sent this garbage.



and now you want to piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.
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Yeah, I realized that shortly after seeing everyone's doses around 5mg haha.. I am very sensitive to drugs and a little goes a long way for me. I'm going to try 2mg today and see how it goes.
Report back on the results 2mg dose if you don’t mind, I’m also someone who gets knocked around by drugs unfortunately
That makes more sense. Sucks the Tesa keeps degrading like this. I’m sure it’s fine to use like an occasional cloudy gh. May end up just being an inherent risk with the peptide itself and nothing to do with the chemist unfortunately.

No it doesn't make sense.

In November 2023 Blue batch comes in, test 97%. It's never tested again.

in April 2024 Green batch comes in, tests 99%. Months later group buy participants test what they received and it dropped by a couple of points to 96%.

Therefore Blue batch is higher purity??

Do you see the flaw with this logic?

Do you think the old batch may have degraded since November. 2023??

Besides, purity has nothing to do with this is problem. The old batch was cloudy. now it doesn't reconstitute at all!!!