I decided to let this thread stew for a while, and it didn't disappoint.
You've been demanding, aggressively, that I have tests done regarding my claims about the effectiveness of "Terminal Sterilization" to make gear safer for end users and the high levels of endotoxin contamination I'm confident exist in UGL and homebrew gear.
I fully intend to. This is more complicated and much costlier than a simple AAS qualitative/quantitive measurement and I've had to do some legwork to establish what the process involved is.
But before I go into details of the testing procedure, what exactly are you alleging I'm wrong about?
1. Terminal Sterilization, which for Test Cyp is specified as 160c for 2 hours, will reduce bacterial contamination to 1 part per million, the FDA standard for human injectables.
2. The FDA safe limit of 3.5 Endotoxin Units per mg of test will be exceeded in homebrew and UGL gear.
I just want to make sure, as I'm sure you are, that when you're proven right and I'm proven guilty of "misinformation" we know what the goalposts are so there's no doubt in anyone's mind about how wrong I am.
Is it that Terminal Sterilization will not be proven to be effective protection for the end user against bacterially contaminated gear? Bacterial contamination from something like a filter defect, a pre-sterilized vial that's bad, or any other mistake made in home brewing or a UGL?
And in the case of endotoxin, are you saying vials of homebrew and UGL won't exceed the 3.5 EUs per mg of testosterone safe level specified by the FDA? I suspect it'll be ten times higher than the safety limit or more.
Once we define what you're expecting to be proven or disproven by these tests we can discuss the process I've put together and make any changes necessary to meet your requirements.