Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Said the redhead ex-obese living in RV on high amounts of gear to look like a DYEL who have Aids,

If losers like you spent half of time you spend here reading about nutrition and earning your life you might have a better life and shape.

This is about people spamming your thread with off topic messages, so that your customers cannot find the info that you post and that you also have to keep repeating, as a result.

The owner of this site has also spoken about this being unacceptable.

It has nothing to do with the person you have replied to.

But if you wanted to avoid addressing the issue at hand and make your response as demeaning as possible (of yourself, not him), you have successfully done that.
This is about people spamming your thread with off topic messages, so that your customers cannot find the info that you post and that you also have to keep repeating, as a result.

The owner of this site has also spoken about this being unacceptable.

It has nothing to do with the person you have replied to.

But if you wanted to avoid the addressing the issue at hand and make your response as demeaning as possible (of yourself, not him), you have successfully done that.
Stfu and go back to the useless enhanced thread where you such each others cocks.
Said the redhead ex-obese living in RV on high amounts of gear to look like a DYEL who have Aids,

If losers like you spent half of time you spend here reading about nutrition and earning your life you might have a better life and shape.
Awwwww, you did a deep dive into me, u mad brah?
Thankfully, I dont work in a sweatshop and can say with confidence I have pride in my life.

This whole thread should be submitted for a case study. Such vast psychological phenomenons appearing here, I’m truly in awe.

We possibly have Moral Disengagement as one, followed by;

-Cognitive dissonance
-Social Influence & peer pressure
-Sunk Cost Fallacy
-Familiarity Bias
-Herd mentality

So many others to list… truly astonishing, really. I mean cheap stuff is attractive, but this, this is truly an exaggeration of the definition in itself.