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What weird symptoms?
She said her back neck and shoulders hurt, and her skin “hurt” but she said it didn’t feel like a sunburn. I told her to drink some water and take a shower, No stomach pain or discomfort. The injection site is unremarkable, No redness no sensitivity even
ghoul said 10mg so I suggested half, which is 5. Through my searching I saw 5mg wasn’t much.

lol I’m not worried about that. I’d argue McDonald’s is affecting her health more negatively than I am. It’s not like I sold her opiates relax
Out of 10 women I can think of on tirz right now, only 1 has needed to bump up to 5 after the first month. Most have been able to stay or move up after a few mos. They lost at least 1lb/wk on the starting dose, but usually more. Hell, my husband lost 20 on it and we cut his dose in half, because he said he’d feel like a bitch any lighter. I’m in some groups where women lose on an even lower dose. Classified as super responders, but worth it to try. Hell, I started 1.25 recently to see if it helps autoimmune numbers, and I dropped 3lbs in a week. Def don’t want to lose and didn’t even realize I’d cut dietary intake.

Idk my approach has always been lowest effective dose of anything. Would also give her time to work up as/if doses become ineffective.
Who kidnapped Tracy?
She finally agreed to meet me irl
bruised jackie chan GIF
Out of 10 women I can think of on tirz right now, only 1 has needed to bump up to 5 after the first month. Most have been able to stay or move up after a few mos. They lost at least 1lb/wk on the starting dose, but usually more. Hell, my husband lost 20 on it and we cut his dose in half, because he said he’d feel like a bitch any lighter. I’m in some groups where women lose on an even lower dose. Classified as super responders, but worth it to try. Hell, I started 1.25 recently to see if it helps autoimmune numbers, and I dropped 3lbs in a week. Def don’t want to lose and didn’t even realize I’d cut dietary intake.

Idk my approach has always been lowest effective dose of anything. Would also give her time to work up as/if doses become ineffective.
I know multiple woman who have lost 14lbs or more on 2.5mg tirz per week
What color tops is the 10mg triz promo?

Also does triz cause these symptoms? Stiffness in neck and back, and skin pain NOT surrounding the injection site. Coworker has some weird symptoms. She doesn’t take any other medications besides birth control, doesn’t smoke drink or use recreational drugs. This was about 24hrs after injection. Absolutely no redness or anything near the injection site. I gave her 5mg

Let her wait out the symptoms and revert to 2.5mg after confirming if what was given was tirz. The 10mg Tirz I got pre black friday were yellow tops
Out of 10 women I can think of on tirz right now, only 1 has needed to bump up to 5 after the first month. Most have been able to stay or move up after a few mos. They lost at least 1lb/wk on the starting dose, but usually more. Hell, my husband lost 20 on it and we cut his dose in half, because he said he’d feel like a bitch any lighter. I’m in some groups where women lose on an even lower dose. Classified as super responders, but worth it to try. Hell, I started 1.25 recently to see if it helps autoimmune numbers, and I dropped 3lbs in a week. Def don’t want to lose and didn’t even realize I’d cut dietary intake.

Idk my approach has always been lowest effective dose of anything. Would also give her time to work up as/if doses become ineffective.

Some kind of miscommunication...I would never advise starting at 10, unless it's is move over from 2.4mg of Sema .
She said her back neck and shoulders hurt, and her skin “hurt” but she said it didn’t feel like a sunburn. I told her to drink some water and take a shower, No stomach pain or discomfort. The injection site is unremarkable, No redness no sensitivity even
Some people have skin symptoms like allodynia in response to higher doses of GLP-1s. People have reported this while on Tirz, on the 7.2 Sema (from the clinical trials) and on Reta too
She said her back neck and shoulders hurt, and her skin “hurt” but she said it didn’t feel like a sunburn. I told her to drink some water and take a shower, No stomach pain or discomfort. The injection site is unremarkable, No redness no sensitivity even

Hey, thanks for looking out for your coworker with her questions.

First day after taking Tirz, some people may have a feeling of neck, shoulders, back, hurting and a body ache. May even describe it like feeling bruised, hit by a truck, etc. Tomorrow ought to feel much better compared to day 1.

The skin sensitivity, Allodynia, often described like a "sunburn", is also a relatively common experience with different doses of Tirz. It may be localized, or change by the week. Intensity seems to lessen before the next weekly dose. When possible, adjusting clothing and self care routine may go a long way in dealing with the sensation.

(Google search "tirzepatide allodynia" for some personal, subjective feedback from people who share this experience. If that sort of thing helps one to understand and better address/process/tolerate this strange side effect.)
A bottle in the sea

Any of you got some deca back in beginning of 2022?
I can't remember the strength of it.
300mg/ml i ve noted but not sure anymore and can't find that old pricelist from them...