Rippidy Dippidy
You can 100% out eat a GLP agonist. Most the people that come to me for "info" on it their first question is roughly "can i eat whatever i want and still lose weight" because they don't actually want to put in any work. which again is what I'm sick of.Yeah bro, no one does that. It is very difficult to out eat glp that is working.
You are simply forcing your experience on others. lol. Because 1mg of Sema knocks you out doesn't mean that is how it affects everyone, else they would not have stepped up to 2.4 in clinical trials. Now they've just wrapped up safety tests on 7.2mg.There must have been something they noticed that helped them to convince the FDA beyond.."some people eat their away out or treatment"
Zero will power to do anything for themselves other than making excuses why they're fat.