I mean...he wouldn't be wrong if he did (but I have the distinct impression he never took on this endeavor to make friends...cause it hasn't been an effective social effort...lol).
I don't really understand the whole "wtf you think now Readalot" sentiment.
The goal of testing is ONGOING surveillance.
I agree probably not ALL the tests need to be done...but testing should be an ongoing surveillance process (not - look, we did it... it's great...fuck off).
I'm pleased at the testing. If it's sincere, Keep it up! (and maybe we can try something novel and support Readalots harm reduction goal even if you don't understand the motivation or like the messenger). I mean something just happened I kept hearing "will never fucking happen so give it up."
As always, we can all contribute constructive ideas to try and make this safer.
@readalot thank you for your education efforts and the time you have spent learning and sharing info on this endeavor.