Don’t know if you’re aware, but he first appeared on Meso-FR, which is a French speaking only forum. Then there’s his trip to see Jano in Czechia, which he made a thread about - that’s a fucking long way from China to go for a brew & a chat.
In short, my money’s on him being an ethnic Chinese Frenchman & likely one time active member of Meso-FR, who after members there started posting a lot about buying from QSC via alibaba / made-in-China (can’t remember which now) from “Alisa”, saw a unique opportunity, with him speaking Chinese, understanding the culture etc.
As for his use of English being more “American” - that’s the internet generation for you.
But it’s all conjecture at the end of the day & the only way we’ll know for sure is if I’m right & he gets busted. With that in mind, I think my point about his potential retention of his big & regular buying customers is still something people should consider if they fall into that category.