Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I’d like to add my issues of waiting on an order with no response from QSC in the past 16 days. I have to also add I previously ordered hcg and hmg from them. Currently using 1250iu hcg and 225iu hmg weekly for over a month now and got some shocking bloodwork.
HCG won’t show up as LH on blood work and hmg needs to be administred at least 3 times a week to give a significant fsh boost.
View attachment 312656

24 hours after of injecting 75 IU FSH, serum levels will already have decreased a lot, and may in fact be close to 0. Especially if you injected the HMG intramuscularly. Ideally, you would inject the HMG 3-4 hours prior to the blood draw.
Apologies, I need to correct what I said there. In the quoted post, the serum levels after i.v. injection are shown (why would they even care about that...).

What is more interesting are serum levels after i.m. or s.c. injection. In that case, serum FSH levels should still be elevated 24 hours after injection. So the fact that @Rossm81 's blood work did not show elevated FSH levels is concerning and indicates issues with QSC's HMG product.

My LZ tracking number from Jan 2nd has landed in US and en route to destination. Still haven't received tracking from my order right before shutdown but at least this one updated finally.
I don't think that's correct. Based on the study linked above, after injecting 75IU FSH (~ 1 vial of QSC's HMG), serum levels should be at the very least be 2 mIU / ml.
Im not going by any studies as we are not using any pharma hmg. I can only tell about my own experience, I made a thread about recovering my fertility from start to finish (until my gf got pregnant), and all I can tell is that bloodwork only showed fsh to be elevated the next day after injection but not the 2nd next day after. Thats why I used to inject hcg and hmg daily for 5 months straight. And it worked.

So to me the minimum injection frequency is 3 times a week, more often is even better.

Also pharma rFSH and HMG are two different things. rFSH is a lot more expensive. Im not sure if you can apply the same study results from a rFSH to HMG administration.
Im not going by any studies as we are not using any pharma hmg. I can only tell about my own experience, I made a thread about recovering my fertility from start to finish (until my gf got pregnant), and all I can tell is that bloodwork only showed fsh to be elevated the next day after injection but not the 2nd next day after. Thats why I used to inject hcg and hmg daily for 5 months straight. And it worked.

So to me the minimum injection frequency is 3 times a week, more often is even better.

Also pharma rFSH and HMG are two different things. rFSH is a lot more expensive. Im not sure if you can apply the same study results from a rFSH to HMG administration.
- The guy posting his blood work did inject 24h prior to blood draw
- QSC's HMG is advertised as recombinant FSH + recombinant LH

--> his blood work should show elevated serum FSH
My LZ tracking number from Jan 2nd has landed in US and en route to destination. Still haven't received tracking from my order right before shutdown but at least this one updated finally.
Same. After a couple of airline departures and plane has landed statuses it was finally processed through a USPS facility. The current status is “Arrive at the place of destination”. Whatever that means.

But the final order of Reta submitted just before QSC went dark hasn’t moved and the tracking # isn’t recognized.
They have a very distinct typing style which one can easily sus out within a couple of replies. We know this. I think Tracy does too. Not just that, but the manner and attitude in which they approach future issues will also be a telltale sign.

If they do return, I don't think a rebrand is feasible, they will have to compensate the customers that ordered just before the investigations. Will they have the means of doing so correctly? Who knows...
Hope they're back after the CNY. They were super easy to deal with compared to some other vendors
ordered their buffered NAD+ once. Absolute dog shit, the thing wouldn’t even reconstitute, stayed as solid white clump sitting at the bottom of the bottle.

I like SSA but none of these vendors get NAD+ right.
That’s unfortunate. Apart from QSC I think most of the sources are all getting their peptides from the same manufacturer. Kitsforless also has buffered but they are expensive ($250 for a kit).
Can someone give me a source for NAD+ that doesn’t look like shit? First SSA fucked me over with shitty NAD and now Q dropped the ball on this one.
Pul you a little more water in their swirl it around.. I just got a kit of 500mg from qsc and it is working fine.. i just used regular bac water and have done subq and intramuscular shots of it.. works just fine. I just did a buck fifty in the muscle walla go.. felt like I got dropped off a building and getting punched in the stomach and kicked in the balls at the same time for about 8 minutes.. good shit imo.
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