Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Hey bro,

If its ok... let's get a new thread started for you on this subject. There's too much info, and I'm sure many will want to chime in. I'm definitely interested, and am happy to share my similar experience.

For what it's worth... having an unusually high natty IGF—from what I've seen thus far, including myself—doesn't necessarily equate to super-high IGF on exogenous GH. There's something going on that I'm interested in uncovering. There may be some answers from Type-II and his book (which I'm reading now).
Posted: https://thinksteroids.com/community/threads/hgh-sensitivity-discussion.134428861/.
What’s sad in all this is that eggs used to be a poor man’s protein.

Still is in every country that has the sense to vaccinate their flocks. Mexico doesn't have this problem.

A handful of large poultry farmers are concerned if anyone vaccinates, the pussies in Europe who buy US poultry will use that as an excuse to block all US poultry from coming in.

I respect the right of anyone who wants to buy organic eggs from unvaccinated flocks, but they should pay for that specialty product. Until we vaccinate, the national supply is at perpetual risk because flocks keep getting reinfected with bird flu no matter how careful farmers are.
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Still is in every country that has the sense to vaccinate their flocks. Mexico doesn't have this problem.

A handful of large poultry farmers are concerned if anyone vaccinates, the pussies in Europe who buy US poultry will use that as an excuse to block all US poultry from coming in.

I respect the right of anyone who wants to buy organic eggs from unvaccinated flocks, but they should pay for that specialty product. Until we vaccinate, the national supply is at perpetual risk because flocks keep getting reinfected with bird flu no matter how careful farmers are.
The farmers also claim that culling is less expensive than vaccinating, but clearly doesn’t work that well lol
At least chicken meat's been plentiful (and surprisingly cheap). Gram for gram, thighs are a cheaper source of protein than eggs lol.
Wife and I were talking about that. Best explanation I could concoct is that Broilers have been bread to grow so quickly for slaughter, that stock was replenished quickly. Whereas layers to replenish the culled birds are still growing towards being ready to lay.
Wife and I were talking about that. Best explanation I could concoct is that Broilers have been bread to grow so quickly for slaughter, that stock was replenished quickly. Whereas layers to replenish the culled birds are still growing towards being ready to lay.
Infected birds also don't lay eggs anyway
Still is in every country that has the sense to vaccinate their flocks. Mexico doesn't have this problem.

A handful of large poultry farmers are concerned if anyone vaccinates, the pussies in Europe who buy US poultry will use that as an excuse to block all US poultry from coming in.

I respect the right of anyone who wants to buy organic eggs from unvaccinated flocks, but they should pay for that specialty product. Until we vaccinate, the national supply is at perpetual risk because flocks keep getting reinfected with bird flu no matter how careful farmers are.
My brother has 6 houses with tyson contract .. he is loosing about 100-200 birds a day per house to the flu rn.. he sells in 2 days...(these are broilerhouses tho not laying houses)