Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Don’t presume to know what I think nor attempt to engage in any kind of debate with me. You are not sufficiently well equipped to do so.

That having been said, my statement was predicated on the statistics from the last election that show that Democratic voters on average had achieved a higher level of education over Republican voters. One could argue that this doesn’t inherently imply that one is better at math than the other, but I suspect there’s a strong correlation.

Also, please don't presume that I subscribe to some sort of particular ideology that is vulnerable to commonplace anti-leftist talking points. It would shit up this thread and cause you to appear more foolish than you already do. In simple terms that you can understand, I am neither blue team nor red team.
Hate to say it but studies actually prove right leaning voters are of lower iq.
It's just a study not my opinion.
I think the stat for more people with education tend to lean left is an interesting one. I dont disagree with it, but there's also the argument for universities being "indoctrination centers" for young people. If left leaning ideals are what is nurtured in college and university, then it would make sense that the majority coming out lean left going into adulthood.

On the other end, you could have many like myself who went into the trades directly out of high school. There is definitely a strong bias (not sure if that's the word I should use, but it works) towards right leaning ideas and ideals in the trades.

This is where I think the argument for "Lower IQ" people leaning right kind of falls on its face, at least from my own life experience. I'm in a construction management role now, so I'm technically "less educated" than a lot of people I work with. A lot of these educated people are fucking retarded though when it comes to anything they didn't need to memorize in a book in order to pass an exam. I don't know everyone's politics and I don't care either. But there are idiots everywhere on both sides of the spectrum, regardless of education. The only thing for certain, regardless of your politics, is that the majority of people cannot think for themselves and have been convinced of what to think a long time ago.
It doesn't make sense. When I pick an index fund, it's like investing in every stock available. When I have to choose a DEI hire, say a black person, it's not like hiring in every black person. The idea that any and every company needs to hire a "diversified" bunch of folks, or else it will fail, or won't be as successful as it could be if only it had more blacks, or more Jews, or more whatever, is complete horseshit. And what's also horseshit is the notion that the government is mandating this to ensure a company's performance. Sorry if "horseshit" seems aggressive, I swear I'm not internet yelling at you. But you really did bullshit your entire post. The only part that was truly logical is when you yourself noticed that "race isnt a good way to do that."

That is not what you get with an index fund. You most assuredly do not get "every" stock available, not even with total market funds. I cant think of any fund that simply follows an index to the T. It would be impossible to manage even for a computer and performance would be iffy. All of them have criteria and procedure to balancing and most do not cover anything under a specific market cap, not even the supposed "total" market funds. Hiring is similar. There are still a criteria.

This entire narrative that someone is hiring unqualified people because of gender or race is absolutely false. And to be totally frank, this is far more common of the opposite when there is no mandate to diversify. How many times have you seen situations where unqualified family or friends of managers get hired despite other qualified applicants? This is very common. Hell even I am guilty of this. Its normal to favor loyalties even if its not in the best interest of the business.

The people being hired are indeed qualified. What they might not be, is the "best" candidate in the eye of the beholder. In other words, its not like some high school dropout is going to be hired as an engineer just because they are female. They still need to pass the interview. But come time to select, perhaps you shouldn't hire another white male if 90% of your team is already such. Sometimes you need to get out of your comfort zone.

Your argument uses extremes to make a point. Look up reductio ad absurdum. The comment about "diversify or fail" is also a fallacy.

Lastly, when you hire a black person you are indeed trying to get the perspectives of black "culture." Thats the point. When you hire a female, you are trying to get the perspective of another sex. And so on. Of course none of this is exact but the point being made, which you are muddying, is this has proven to be less risky (thus higher chance of success) than single stock picking. Again, lower ceiling, but also higher floor.
That is not what you get with an index fund. You most assuredly do not get "every" stock available, not even with total market funds. I cant think of any fund that simply follows an index to the T. It would be impossible to manage even for a computer and performance would be iffy. All of them have criteria and procedure to balancing and most do not cover anything under a specific market cap, not even the supposed "total" market funds. Hiring is similar. There are still a criteria.

This entire narrative that someone is hiring unqualified people because of gender or race is absolutely false. And to be totally frank, this is far more common of the opposite when there is no mandate to diversify. How many times have you seen situations where unqualified family or friends of managers get hired despite other qualified applicants? This is very common. Hell even I am guilty of this. Its normal to favor loyalties even if its not in the best interest of the business.

The people being hired are indeed qualified. What they might not be, is the "best" candidate in the eye of the beholder. In other words, its not like some high school dropout is going to be hired as an engineer just because they are female. They still need to pass the interview. But come time to select, perhaps you shouldn't hire another white male if 90% of your team is already such. Sometimes you need to get out of your comfort zone.

Your argument uses extremes to make a point. Look up reductio ad absurdum. The comment about "diversify or fail" is also a fallacy.

Lastly, when you hire a black person you are indeed trying to get the perspectives of black "culture." Thats the point. When you hire a female, you are trying to get the perspective of another sex. And so on. Of course none of this is exact but the point being made, which you are muddying, is this has proven to be less risky (thus higher chance of success) than single stock picking. Again, lower ceiling, but also higher floor.
OK, so my description of index funds isn't entirely accurate. Either is your description of what DEI hiring is/accomplishes. The analogy is useless.

"The people being hired are qualified." OK, bro. I believe you

"You're arguement uses extremes to make a point." I swear it didn't. Perhaps I should have said "diversity or not as good" instead of "diversity or fail"? The whole point is that you are trying to say DEI is for the benefit of a company, and that's bullshit.

"Black culture." LOL

You're, again, right about one thing: "none of this is exact." That's for damn sure.
Don’t presume to know what I think nor attempt to engage in any kind of debate with me. You are not sufficiently well equipped to do so.

That having been said, my statement was predicated on the statistics from the last election that show that Democratic voters on average had achieved a higher level of education over Republican voters. One could argue that this doesn’t inherently imply that one is better at math than the other, but I suspect there’s a strong correlation.

Also, please don't presume that I subscribe to some sort of particular ideology that is vulnerable to commonplace anti-leftist talking points. It would shit up this thread and cause you to appear more foolish than you already do. In simple terms that you can understand, I am neither blue team nor red team.
There ain’t a correlation between math and liberal education. The onus is on you to prove that.
I’m not aware of any specific data that illustrates this. Do you have sources?
This is what we call “fake news” :D
All studies are biased and if you don’t research on how studies are conducted and follow the money from whom conducted any study you’ll never get the truth. Plus know how to even read and understand these studies….
Dude is pretty much calling the over 80 million Americans that voted for Trump dumb. We all seen how high the IQ of the woke left leaning are. They don’t even know what is a woman! Lmao! The left leaning currently has no ideas or plans to help everyday Americans. All they know to do is say no to everything Trump does or says instead of coming up with ideas to work with him and keep him in check to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!! But I guess it’s because their IQs are higher, ha! I’d put my money on incompetent from my “study”.
I rest my case ;)
I think the stat for more people with education tend to lean left is an interesting one. I dont disagree with it, but there's also the argument for universities being "indoctrination centers" for young people. If left leaning ideals are what is nurtured in college and university, then it would make sense that the majority coming out lean left going into adulthood.

On the other end, you could have many like myself who went into the trades directly out of high school. There is definitely a strong bias (not sure if that's the word I should use, but it works) towards right leaning ideas and ideals in the trades.

This is where I think the argument for "Lower IQ" people leaning right kind of falls on its face, at least from my own life experience. I'm in a construction management role now, so I'm technically "less educated" than a lot of people I work with. A lot of these educated people are fucking retarded though when it comes to anything they didn't need to memorize in a book in order to pass an exam. I don't know everyone's politics and I don't care either. But there are idiots everywhere on both sides of the spectrum, regardless of education. The only thing for certain, regardless of your politics, is that the majority of people cannot think for themselves and have been convinced of what to think a long time ago.
Exactly! Some of these people couldn’t/wouldn’t be able to do the things we can with our hands (and vice versa). However the IQ level debate does not account for the many several skills you, and I have aquired over the years being in trades.

A guy with 8-10k hours on the job experience, journeyman card, and an associate degree will get the job in my trade 10/10 over someone with a masters degree from the most prestigious university & no on the job experience.

Overall IQ is Important, just not an end all be all metric.
This is what we call “fake news” :D
All studies are biased and if you don’t research on how studies are conducted and follow the money from whom conducted any study you’ll never get the truth. Plus know how to even read and understand these studies….
Dude is pretty much calling the over 80 million Americans that voted for Trump dumb. We all seen how high the IQ of the woke left leaning are. They don’t even know what is a woman! Lmao! The left leaning currently has no ideas or plans to help everyday Americans. All they know to do is say no to everything Trump does or says instead of coming up with ideas to work with him and keep him in check to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!! But I guess it’s because their IQs are higher, ha! I’d put my money on incompetent from my “study”.
I rest my case ;)
I hope this is the dumbest thing I read this week.
Sex offenders per million:

Biological women: 3
Biological men: 395
Trans women: 1,916

Surely it’s just a coincidence
Nowadays speaking of cohencidence you might recognize certain patterns and ppl like glpdumb are part of that scheme. Not able to think out of the box, living their naive life and attacking other people for asking legimate questions. Forgetting the laws of nature and replacing it with the ideology and degeneracy. When eveything goes down the drain, we will finally realize that freedom is not free free.
Reminder once again:
