But…Has he even gone? That is the question.Imagine Tracy comes back and April fools us and disappears back into the abyss
Maybe he just reads the crap in this thread, remembers the good ‘ol days when it was just juice heads talking gear, then goes home and beats his wife?
Maybe, the months and years of the continuous “what colour cap is this?”, “why has my payment not been confirmed” , “where is the tracking number” “why is there only 9.7ml in my Tren vial” & “can I have a price list for the fatty jab” finally did him in, and he just thought thought f++k k it, Ive had enough….
However, still reads through this crap daily angry, in a Stockholm syndrome sort of way. With a tear in his eye, and 2 clenched fists - then once he hits his peak, about 7 pages in, runs home barefoot in a complete psychotic rage and sparks his wife out, because he left the chop sticks out again.
Hi Tracy, hope you doing okay. It will be over soon.