Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Imagine Tracy comes back and April fools us and disappears back into the abyss
But…Has he even gone? That is the question.
Maybe he just reads the crap in this thread, remembers the good ‘ol days when it was just juice heads talking gear, then goes home and beats his wife?
Maybe, the months and years of the continuous “what colour cap is this?”, “why has my payment not been confirmed” , “where is the tracking number” “why is there only 9.7ml in my Tren vial” & “can I have a price list for the fatty jab” finally did him in, and he just thought thought f++k k it, Ive had enough….
However, still reads through this crap daily angry, in a Stockholm syndrome sort of way. With a tear in his eye, and 2 clenched fists - then once he hits his peak, about 7 pages in, runs home barefoot in a complete psychotic rage and sparks his wife out, because he left the chop sticks out again.
Hi Tracy, hope you doing okay. It will be over soon.
So do we have an actual suitable replacement for QSC for good or until they come back?
Trial and error my friend. We have to start from scratch and find new sources. I just read in another thread that rumor is raws are starting to be produced again, but who knows if it’s true or when that will be.

If you at least have a decent stash on hand you should be cool until things get back to normal.
Hey guys, I just got a short message from QSC's email address. Anyone else got it? I have no idea what he is trying to tell me. I thought it's best to share it with you, so someone can translate.
You won 100k$ but you need to send first 1k$ to a btc address to confirm that you are a real person
This Truman show is almost over (thank god)
Anyone running his var 70mg ? Not hearing any good reviews , it’s prob as good as his crimping skills or filtering skills.
I grabbed a stupid amount during the Christmas sale. Haven't used it yet but their janoshik tests were dead on. I'm sure it's great. Send it for testing if you are concerned but I've never had any issues with qsc stuff being under dosed or inaccurate from their testing. It's kind of how they got so popular there at the end and I wish other companies would follow in their steps. They were testing every batch and posting the results
I really thought GA and SSA were going to step up and make some big moves. They both seem very satisfied with their place and neither of them does enough testing.
SSA keeps tripping over themselves. I feel like GA is waiting for more inventory before he starts making moves again. HYB has some testing in the pipeline but just like SSA they cannot figure out shipping and delivery. Fent SRY is coming on strong which is humorous to see. The landscape is definitely changing
Ideally, this thread should people posting if they received orders placed prior to Tracy going dark. We have had at least 2 report that. Maybe more? But it's hard to find without reading everything.

I wouldn't lock the thread, but focus it on that and questions related to Tracy's gear.

Queue the dissenting votes and random chatter:
He ghosted a bunch of folks for thousands for glp1s on the glp1 forum... They're not reliable anymore. Haven't bought gear here for 2 years, at my age it was affecting lipids, blood pressure, hematocrit, etc... anyway, if u mean peptides, Sry has been doing well on our site and lspl currently as that can change in a month. ASC sold a bunch of bad tirz 30 and they disappeared too.