Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic


Is there any tests you have for for deca or DHB oils as well ?

And one thing I noticed about the trenbolone enanthate it is 100 mg while on the list it is 200 mg ? Is that special order or something?!
I have old ones for deca, not actual batch, and I have the actual batch testing of DHB.
Tren E used to be 100mg/ml, but customers requested 200mg/ml so we sell both:
10x10ml tren e @100mg/ml $100
10x10ml tren e @200mg/ml $160
No testing available for 200mg/ml

in US domestic warehouse we have 200mg/ml version and in EU domestic warehouse 100mg/ml version

Tren E oil 2.pngTren E oil.pngTren E raw.png


Deca oil 1.pngDeca oil 2.pngDeca raw.png


DHB oil.png
I have old ones for deca, not actual batch, and I have the actual batch testing of DHB.
Tren E used to be 100mg/ml, but customers requested 200mg/ml so we sell both:
10x10ml tren e @100mg/ml $100
10x10ml tren e @200mg/ml $160
No testing available for 200mg/ml

in US domestic warehouse we have 200mg/ml version and in EU domestic warehouse 100mg/ml version

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thank you!
anyone use QSC's RU58841? Results/reviews? Also, isn't RU58841 supposed to break down in heat so would it be better to order in colder months?
I know guys that run 30-40iu GH ED.

Sky is the limit here. Used with a basal insulin, Metformin and/or berberine in conjunction with a perfect diet, there are worse things for you…like beer lol

Yeah and more bodybuilders dying in their 30’s and 40’s then in the past. Sport is getting more dangerous. Not saying HGH alone is gonna do that, but if you’re doing 40iu HGH a day then you aren’t doing 500mg of Test if you get what I mean.

I hope these friends of yours look like Cbum or are 270 gorillas. That’s a lot of risk to take for a hobby.
Thanks Tracy for helping me get that test offer done , bitcoin is much better option

So I got coming, deca , mast e, test e and test cyp… my first run with u, my experienced crew I help don’t know yet but they will be running it on me to get honest opinions .. looking forward to a good relationship…
Mgf 2mg daily for 20 days in muscles u trained and after that :
Hgh 20iu 5x week for 20 days
Igf1lr3 500mcg up to 1mg 20 days together with hgh. If you can include lantus and humalog insulin. If not no problem.
After stopping igf you keep HGH at 5iu daily(every day) unless u still use humalog,than you can go up to 15iu. At this point we made bunch of new muscle cells(hyperplasia) which are so small..
Than take mk677 25 mg twice a day for hunger for 20 days together with highest you can go with yk11...like up to 500mg..best would be injection of 250mg in morning and 250mg orally 1hr before workout if you workout evenings. AND FUCKING EAT. Eat as much as you can protein and carbs..and do cheat meals no problem.

By this protocol you will mutate so fast that your mom will recognize you by your shoes only!

Mk677 would be important as we need extreme amount of food. Hope i helped

Edit : forgot to meantion aas. Go heavy with test base and tren base!

500mg of yk11 is nuts. I've tried both oral and injectable. Injectable was legit.

Although I am interested in seeing real results from it, along with mgf, lr3, hgh, insulin. I mean that's a lot of muscle hyperplasia going on.

How much real actual muscle in 20 days tho? This is some Tony Huge shit.

Test e and Test c kits are selling very fast, many customers grab 3-5 kits each, so I expect the stock to be all sold quickly, we will arrange new batches next week, so I suggest those who are willing to test it first time to grab at least one kit before it's sold, to avoid frustration when I annouce that it's out of stock..

Masteron e is selling quickly too..
And what are you recommending your customers reconstitute this semaglutide with? Because it’s not water soluble, so it’s not like you can just mix it up as if it’s GH or HCG.
" Semaglutide has a 94% structural homology to native GLP-1, a molecular weight of 4113,58 g/mol and is good soluble in an aqueous solution. Semaglutide is suitable for once-weekly administration in humans."

Page 22/152 : http://chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/assessment-report/rybelsus-epar-public-assessment-report_en.pdf (Assessment report - Rybelsus - European Medicines Agency)

I think most of guys who bought it here have reported no problems in mixing it with bacteriostatic water, even with 1 ml, it was enough.

And tbh I don't know what to recommend for mixing better than bac water.
And what are you recommending your customers reconstitute this semaglutide with? Because it’s not water soluble, so it’s not like you can just mix it up as if it’s GH or HCG.
Even generic pharma from US compounding pharmacies in Florida mix it with BAC water.
Now this is making me wonder if propylene glycol has something to do with the delivery of semaglutide and is the reason why we don't feel it the same way but I need a chemist to figure it out

Well boys.

Here is my first feels report.

I took 1 QSC Tadalafil, 1 QSC Sildenafil, and 1 QSC Vardenafil about 2 hours before my activities tonight. We even ate some food before we fucked...chicken and broccoli that we made in my kitchen!

Well....I thought little TripleTren was going to burst through his skin. Hard as a rock for hours. We kept fucking and fucking and fucking.

I am on Test, Mast, and Tren, and Prami too...so take that into account. But I got the weird blue vision and light headedness that Viagra always gives you (I've been taking this shit for years).

Not only legit...but really legit. It was a rock hard fucking boys.
Well boys.

Here is my first feels report.

I took 1 QSC Tadalafil, 1 QSC Sildenafil, and 1 QSC Vardenafil about 2 hours before my activities tonight. We even ate some food before we fucked...chicken and broccoli that we made in my kitchen!

Well....I thought little TripleTren was going to burst through his skin. Hard as a rock for hours. We kept fucking and fucking and fucking.

I am on Test, Mast, and Tren, and Prami too...so take that into account. But I got the weird blue vision and light headedness that Viagra always gives you (I've been taking this shit for years).

Not only legit...but really legit. It was a rock hard fucking boys.
I didn't even give you yet the codes to distinguish tabs, so you grabbed one of each?

LOL you're a legend
Hey I totally forgot to provide an update after my very first order with QSC. So here we go.

I placed a pretty large order (at least for me) containing 2 kits of MENT, 1 kit of primo 200, and 1 kit of Masteron E.

I placed the order on 6/21, and it arrived in my mailbox on 7/13. So roughly a 3 week turnaround time. WAAAY faster than expected.

It was very well packaged and everything arrived in tact. No issues at all during the shipping process.

Overall, I’m very satisfied with my purchase from QSC. Some of the reviews in this thread had me very skeptical at first. But now I can honestly say that all those negative reviews are complete fucking horseshit. Seriously… just stop being an insufferable fucking cunt for one minute, and QSC will be more than helpful and make sure everything is right. A little respect goes a long way…

So thank you QSC!

As soon as the GH test report comes out, I will be sending another couple grand your way!


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500mg of yk11 is nuts. I've tried both oral and injectable. Injectable was legit.

Although I am interested in seeing real results from it, along with mgf, lr3, hgh, insulin. I mean that's a lot of muscle hyperplasia going on.

How much real actual muscle in 20 days tho? This is some Tony Huge shit.
Ill be ordering next week some and will make a log here. However i dont think so i will use insulin this time, however i might change plan and include insulin.

Anyway i will get 40mg of mgf,10mg igf1lr3,5 grams of yk11 and some GH. I will be on trt by doing it. At moment i start yk11 i will start with 250mg. Plan was 500mg but this will wait another time.