I’m looking to get started on QSC hgh but I’m kinda lost on how the shit works. I’ve been reading that you should take about 4-6iu a day so if I buy this 10iu vial that’s roughly only two days work of hgh?
I gotta be missing something here. How much does a 10iu vial actually mix?
I’ve been on Test for about a year and have done a couple blasts throughout that year, otherwise running closer to a TRT dose.
Results have been great but I’ve always wanted to run hgh. Anyone who can help me understand this, also how to mix the hgh powder, I would really appreciate it. Talk shit about my lack of knowledge if you want I don’t care. I have gained all my AAS knowledge through this forum and will continue to. If you don’t mind shoot me a message on here otherwise I’m look for something here.