Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

So of the 7 or so compounds he has tested, that all come back pretty high, you choose to focus on the one compound that isn't great.

That's very Connor of you
Ah- tooshay
I didn’t look through all the results. My mistake. Very good to see the others come in at a very high purity. Much better than what we have been seeing from purple panda and his scam. I’m sure the anadrol issue will be fixed; as was the Mast issue when mast raws where in the low 90s
I certainly wouldn't call 90% raws bunk, but absolutely room for improvement.

Please don't get him going again, he doesn't have an off switch

EDIT: also make sure you check post #3 for more clarification
i posted it as a joke to see who could go longer, connor or d 2 udder guys
I ordered the hgh kits domestically and I got it and it looks like hgh. I know that's only a small part of it but they did respond quickly and I had tracking the same day as I ordered.
You're a fucking lame. I said what I got and that's it. Go fuck with someone else bitch.
youre the same guy who said a guy who promised you tracking had good products. then a month later you say you got burnt by him. have you not learned your lesson about posting prematurely?
youre the same guy who said a guy who promised you tracking had good products. then a month later you say you got burnt by him. have you not learned your lesson about posting prematurely?
He had good products until he didn't send them. What's premature about that? I'd ordered from him in the past a few times. If you wanna talk shit and stalk peoples posts go do it to someone else. I literally share my experience. That's it. If you're having a bad day fuck off. You're still a bitch