Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Canadians now can continue ordering tabs via this line.

It's also the opportunity if you wanna start your own lab, quality +98% raws with best market prices, become a domestic reseller as we can customize the color of tops for peptides and HGH.

We have also bulk prices for resellers of HGH:

>10 kits $52/kit
>20 kits $50/kit
>100 kits $45/kit
>1000 kits $40/kit
Hey guys, developed some nearly debilitating elbow pain and want to heal asap, as I just started a cycle. Heard bpc157 and tb500 are the go to. What’s your dosage?
To all the hgh users do you guys see better results before bed or am fasted. 49 years old here. Been doing it for years and not sure if I can tell a difference. Wondering what you guys thoughts on it?
Hey guys, developed some nearly debilitating elbow pain and want to heal asap, as I just started a cycle. Heard bpc157 and tb500 are the go to. What’s your dosage?
I do tb500 1mg daily for 30 days, bpc 250iu twice daily. After 30 days, down dose tb500 4mg per week (2mg x 2) and continue with bpc at stated dose. Whole cycle for me can run from 2-3 months depending on recovery/ pain. Works for me.
Started semaglutide today at .5mg as suggested by my coach. About 4hrs in everything seems good, how long does it take to start working usually? Had some mild hunger, along the lines of “oh I should eat my breakfast” rather than the typical “holy shit I need to scarf this down right now or I might die” I usually have at this time
Is anyone having a hard time with the test cyp? I’ve ran almost every oil QSC makes and have had zero issues. Including 200 primo at higher doses. Switched from prop to cyp and I’m having “test flu” type issues. Couple times I’ve had a low grade fever but every time I’m getting extreme pip and swelling for days on end. I’ve ran lots of mct so that shouldn’t be the issue but I’m to the point where I’m about to jump on cruise bc I can’t keep doing this.

No floaters. The vial appear to be clean
Started semaglutide today at .5mg as suggested by my coach. About 4hrs in everything seems good, how long does it take to start working usually? Had some mild hunger, along the lines of “oh I should eat my breakfast” rather than the typical “holy shit I need to scarf this down right now or I might die” I usually have at this time
You'll probably know by mid day tomorrow. Maybe some nausea. Just don't force food down. The mental part is important. Commit to not eating and then Semaglutide will make it easy for you and take you the rest of the way. But if you get careless, you'll learn how to eat large amounts while on Semaglutide, and you'll just keep escalating the dose to make up for it. Remember, the mental part is the biggest part of this working.
To all Canadians, from now on, since we receive many orders, all orders either small or big will be forwarded domestically, we bear the customs risk for you, we ship to the domestic warehouse first in groups of parcels of 20kg+ then to your address domestically.

First set of 20kg shipped today, we are grouping the second set now, all orders can be shipped in less than 1 week because grouping 20kg total orders is very fast.

No matter the size of your order, big or small, it can be forwarded using this line !

100% garanteed delivery
So if we got tracking number Monday it's coming via old route?
To all the hgh users do you guys see better results before bed or am fasted. 49 years old here. Been doing it for years and not sure if I can tell a difference. Wondering what you guys thoughts on it?
Either way. It does not matter. I've done both and have not seen any difference
Is anyone having a hard time with the test cyp? I’ve ran almost every oil QSC makes and have had zero issues. Including 200 primo at higher doses. Switched from prop to cyp and I’m having “test flu” type issues. Couple times I’ve had a low grade fever but every time I’m getting extreme pip and swelling for days on end. I’ve ran lots of mct so that shouldn’t be the issue but I’m to the point where I’m about to jump on cruise bc I can’t keep doing this.

No floaters. The vial appear to be clean
I’ve talked to a few friends using the same gear with zero issues. I’ve been running it for a couple months and zero issues until recently. This seems to be a “me” problem
To all Canadians, from now on, since we receive many orders, all orders either small or big will be forwarded domestically, we bear the customs risk for you, we ship to the domestic warehouse first in groups of parcels of 20kg+ then to your address domestically.

First set of 20kg shipped today, we are grouping the second set now, all orders can be shipped in less than 1 week because grouping 20kg total orders is very fast.

No matter the size of your order, big or small, it can be forwarded using this line !

100% garanteed delivery

Tracy, I might end up needing a reshipment for an order from end of summer. If I do, can that older order be reshipped via this line?

Also, will this bulk shipment channel increase the speed of shipments to Canada, which were previously about 3-4 weeks from door to door for individual orders?
Tracy, I might end up needing a reshipment for an order from end of summer. If I do, can that older order be reshipped via this line?

Also, will this bulk shipment channel increase the speed of shipments to Canada, which were previously about 3-4 weeks from door to door for individual orders?

Yes possible

CP now isn't anymore 3-4 weeks, but much slower, this new line is faster 25-300 days door to door.