Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Got my order in of 4mg x 10, semaglutide. Took my first shot of 0.5mg, will report back to compare to PS semaglutide. I’ve had bunk semaglutide before(not from QSC or PS but from a different Chinese biotech company) that only made me nauseous and gave me really bad heartburn with none of the benefits like reduced appetite or lowered blood sugar so I’m hoping this measures up to at least the PS one.
the items will be limited in Canadian warehouse, so just basic products, few raws (test c, primo, anavar, cialis, viagra) + HGH, HCG, BPC157..
No finished products yet
No tabs as we don't produce tabs anymore.
So Canada gets domestic raws? Will
To all Canadians, from now on, since we receive many orders, all orders either small or big will be forwarded domestically, we bear the customs risk for you, we ship to the domestic warehouse first in groups of parcels of 20kg+ then to your address domestically.

First set of 20kg shipped today, we are grouping the second set now, all orders can be shipped in less than 1 week because grouping 20kg total orders is very fast.

No matter the size of your order, big or small, it can be forwarded using this line !

100% garanteed delivery
Curious to see how this develops. Hopefully you guys stay consistent with the testing and the Customer service ‍♂️
Started semaglutide today at .5mg as suggested by my coach. About 4hrs in everything seems good, how long does it take to start working usually? Had some mild hunger, along the lines of “oh I should eat my breakfast” rather than the typical “holy shit I need to scarf this down right now or I might die” I usually have at this time
Pro tip: take your next dose before bed. If you end up with mild nausea as many people do you’ll sleep right through it.
Pro tip: take your next dose before bed. If you end up with mild nausea as many people do you’ll sleep right through it.
Another one: to reduce heartburn split your weekly dose up into smaller daily shots. Since I split my 1mg weekly dose into 7 injections my heartburn is a lot better.
Another one: to reduce heartburn split your weekly dose up into smaller daily shots. Since I split my 1mg weekly dose into 7 injections my heartburn is a lot better.
Esomeprazole is phenomenal for heartburn. I take one pill eod and I can eat whatever I want along with orals and no issues.

Not sure if it has any side effects though
6 orders all to canada in less then 30 days
primo 100 mg
primo 200mg
tren ace
tren e
sustanon 250
i’ve used the hole primo 100 kit 2 vials of primo 200 cialis and a few vials of sustanon and 1 vial of ripped happy with everything


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Is anyone having a hard time with the test cyp? I’ve ran almost every oil QSC makes and have had zero issues. Including 200 primo at higher doses. Switched from prop to cyp and I’m having “test flu” type issues. Couple times I’ve had a low grade fever but every time I’m getting extreme pip and swelling for days on end. I’ve ran lots of mct so that shouldn’t be the issue but I’m to the point where I’m about to jump on cruise bc I can’t keep doing this.

No floaters. The vial appear to be clean
I gave a friend a few vials of qsc domestic test cyp and he was having the same issue and it persisted so I swapped him to a different brand and he was good but me and a few others I know didn't have issues with it so I assume it's the carrier oil not agreeing with him.
6 orders all to canada in less then 30 days
primo 100 mg
primo 200mg
tren ace
tren e
sustanon 250
i’ve used the hole primo 100 kit 2 vials of primo 200 cialis and a few vials of sustanon and 1 vial of ripped happy with everything
how is pip from primo 100 versus 200?
I know this was asked alot, when domestic hgh around? I dont need 5 kits just 1 or two. Will be grabbing 2 kits every pay check.
To all the hgh users do you guys see better results before bed or am fasted. 49 years old here. Been doing it for years and not sure if I can tell a difference. Wondering what you guys thoughts on it?
Before bed id say is my favorite but other times have their place too. Overall I'd say bed is best especially if recovery and building muscle is the main focus. Its still good for fatloss at night but it would help a bit more with fasted cardio in the am if that's your goal it would be best there