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Don't like what I say then ignore it. No one's forcing you to agree.
how have you contributed to "harm reduction " here on meso? Have you posted any bloodwork, or tested any products? Or do you just swing on " other members nuts" trying to sound cool ? seems to be the latter just saying
Can we put up a poll to possibly rename this thread? I suggest "Battle of the Bros". We can have a scoreboard and instant replays and everything. There will be a point system based on how bad each post burns the other bro.
The ghoul bashing is getting old. He posts some good helpful stuff and some things i don't agree with, which i just ignore. It's still good to have an open mind and not discard every opinion you don't agree with or because you feel offended by some personal flexes.

The narcissism debate is a joke since probably half of meso likes to look in the mirror for a bit longer than what would be considered healthy. It's not like we're all prime examples of mental health here.