Adding NPP to test , how much did you up Aromasin by ?


Hi guys

TLDR: how much did you increase your Aromasin by when you r added NPP to test ?

Wondering if any bros have a rule of thumb for their own bodies reaction of adding NPP to test and if and by how much more do you aromatize

For example

I am a heavy aromatizer. Even on 200 test 600 primo I’m at 90 e2. ~17% bf. And this was with 7mg Chinese Aromasin ED.

With 250 test-e and 300 primo , i was doing pharma romasin at 12.5 every 3-4 days. Now I am a week into having added NPP and I started feeling mental high e2 sides. Paranoia etc. day before this my libido spiked significantly. Totally opposite of what I’ve heard about deca dick. Felt very tren-ish or like a boost of TNE. But once paranoia came and appetite started creeping I figured it’s e2 that’s in play. so I turned to eod dosing for Aromasin and mentally I’m in a better place. 12.5 eod.

Also, I’ve never been able to stay on NPP for more than a week cuz appetite goes thru the roof. Now I am convinced it’s due to e2 and with crushed e2 appetite is helping me stay in a deficit.

Haven’t done recent bloods and only about a week into NPP. Started off NPP 30mg daily. Now at 40mg.

Mood has been great so far. It really nicely balances the DHT compounds. And if e2 is suppressed so far I’m not seeing any bloat

Mentally feels much cleaner before (same vials. Just had more e2 running before ) Mentally also feel that there’s less fog than with low test and high primo or high mast and primo.

Anyone have similar experiences ?

I am a heavy aromatizer. Even on 200 test 600 primo I’m at 90 e2. ~17% bf. And this was with 7mg Chinese Aromasin ED.

With 250 test-e and 300 primo , i was doing pharma romasin at 12.5 every 3-4 days. Now I am a week into having added NPP and I started feeling mental high e2 sides. Paranoia etc.
you take the asin with fats? Also having those mental side effects is not worth it for 200mg NPP.
But once paranoia came and appetite started creeping I figured it’s e2 that’s in play. so I turned to eod dosing for Aromasin and mentally I’m in a better place. 12.5 eod.

Also, I’ve never been able to stay on NPP for more than a week cuz appetite goes thru the roof.
judging your e2 based on appetite is a bold move.
Now I am convinced it’s due to e2 and with crushed e2 appetite is helping me stay in a deficit.

Haven’t done recent bloods and only about a week into NPP. Started off NPP 30mg daily. Now at 40mg.

Mood has been great so far. It really nicely balances the DHT compounds. And if e2 is suppressed so far I’m not seeing any bloat

Mentally feels much cleaner before (same vials. Just had more e2 running before ) Mentally also feel that there’s less fog than with low test and high primo or high mast and primo.

Anyone have similar experiences ?

here is my advice from a high aromatizer.
you think you want to avoid test, because you aromatize alot, but test is still best and you just have to manage it. Here are tips that changed my cycles from 250mg-400mg test to 1g+.

-take ADEX not ASIN, asin is just plain not as effective, and even less effective for some people, it just lets some estrogen through and seemingly gives us high aromatizers gyno or crashes us. asin is like 72% and adex is like 90% supression/reduction

-lose bodyfat. yes people always say it, but once I actually did it, my e2 went from 41 to 31 on cycle. thats 25% reduction from like 8kg-10kg

my advice
-stay away from nandrolone because the mental sides arent worth it.
Also nandrolone makes e2 a hell of a lot more complicated , especially since you have aromatization problems

-take more test, use primo and/or mast and adex

stop messing with little doses cause all you'll get is side effects, take MORE of compounds that dont give you side effects.

-dial in your test/primo/mast dose to your Adex dose
this makes it much easier to dial in
for example find a precise test dose to get you perfect on .5mg/1mg adex per day.

If you keep messing with test doses in the 200mg-500mg zone, youre going to get more aromtization problems than you would at higher doses, aromitzation begins to taper off at higher doses so its not as much of an e2 jump between test doses. IMO there is this noobie zone under 600mg that makes it difficutl for some people to manage estrogen
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Hi guys

TLDR: how much did you increase your Aromasin by when you r added NPP to test ?

Wondering if any bros have a rule of thumb for their own bodies reaction of adding NPP to test and if and by how much more do you aromatize

For example

I am a heavy aromatizer. Even on 200 test 600 primo I’m at 90 e2. ~17% bf. And this was with 7mg Chinese Aromasin ED.

With 250 test-e and 300 primo , i was doing pharma romasin at 12.5 every 3-4 days. Now I am a week into having added NPP and I started feeling mental high e2 sides. Paranoia etc. day before this my libido spiked significantly. Totally opposite of what I’ve heard about deca dick. Felt very tren-ish or like a boost of TNE. But once paranoia came and appetite started creeping I figured it’s e2 that’s in play. so I turned to eod dosing for Aromasin and mentally I’m in a better place. 12.5 eod.

Also, I’ve never been able to stay on NPP for more than a week cuz appetite goes thru the roof. Now I am convinced it’s due to e2 and with crushed e2 appetite is helping me stay in a deficit.

Haven’t done recent bloods and only about a week into NPP. Started off NPP 30mg daily. Now at 40mg.

Mood has been great so far. It really nicely balances the DHT compounds. And if e2 is suppressed so far I’m not seeing any bloat

Mentally feels much cleaner before (same vials. Just had more e2 running before ) Mentally also feel that there’s less fog than with low test and high primo or high mast and primo.

Anyone have similar experiences ?

I have never ever experienced paranoia, from gear, not even when running high dose of tren. I say this, an individuals thinking has an amazing way of manifesting side effects though. I find when I concentrate on side effects(negative) my mind pulls away from concentrating on my gains(positives). Lots of guys I talk with notice the same thing. Try not to direct your thinking away from negative shit.
Sounds like npp isn’t for you. Lots of other drugs out there in addition to the primo you’ve already tried. EQ, Mast, Anavar
I'm similar when it comes to estrogen sensitivity. Deca was the worst thing, I lost control and slammed AI and felt bad and moody.

Eq seems pretty neutral, dhts help me manage estrogen sides much better on blast.
NPP fucks up my sleep big time. Around the 5-6 week mark, I get sleep disturbances straight from hell.

That's why I decided that Nandrolone just wasn't for me. From now on I use 1g Testo, Slin pre and post wokrout and 8IU GH in a bulk.
Hi guys

TLDR: how much did you increase your Aromasin by when you r added NPP to test ?

Wondering if any bros have a rule of thumb for their own bodies reaction of adding NPP to test and if and by how much more do you aromatize

For example

I am a heavy aromatizer. Even on 200 test 600 primo I’m at 90 e2. ~17% bf. And this was with 7mg Chinese Aromasin ED.

With 250 test-e and 300 primo , i was doing pharma romasin at 12.5 every 3-4 days. Now I am a week into having added NPP and I started feeling mental high e2 sides. Paranoia etc. day before this my libido spiked significantly. Totally opposite of what I’ve heard about deca dick. Felt very tren-ish or like a boost of TNE. But once paranoia came and appetite started creeping I figured it’s e2 that’s in play. so I turned to eod dosing for Aromasin and mentally I’m in a better place. 12.5 eod.

Also, I’ve never been able to stay on NPP for more than a week cuz appetite goes thru the roof. Now I am convinced it’s due to e2 and with crushed e2 appetite is helping me stay in a deficit.

Haven’t done recent bloods and only about a week into NPP. Started off NPP 30mg daily. Now at 40mg.

Mood has been great so far. It really nicely balances the DHT compounds. And if e2 is suppressed so far I’m not seeing any bloat

Mentally feels much cleaner before (same vials. Just had more e2 running before ) Mentally also feel that there’s less fog than with low test and high primo or high mast and primo.

Anyone have similar experiences ?

It's not e2, it's your body reacting to its increase in prolactin PLUS high e2. PRL can enhance all e2 sides. Get e2 under control. So you don't have to deal with all the other bullshit around taking a D2 agonist