Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

That wasn't anyone's argument, not even ghoul's. His argument was that repeated state changes from frozen to unfrozen would cause more degradation than was gained by storing the peptides in a freezer in the first place.

it was already proven that a consumer grade freezer could sustain -20C in a stable fashion. In that sense ghoul was wrong, but only because his assertion was poorly formed, so let me help:

I'm going to assert that the consumer grade freezers that most people have won't hold -20C without some care. Some will perform better than others. Your standard top freezer on a common refrigerator tends to warm up very quickly. A bottom mount freezer in a drawer tends to work a bit better and a chest freezer best of all. This all presumes that the freezer has been adjusted lower than is typical (-18C)

With that in mind, let's say your aunt Karen is on grey market semaglutide and asks you how to store her 6 month supply? What are you going to tell her? Put it in the freezer, but make sure little Bobby doesn't hold it open for five minutes trying to pick out a popsicle or are you going to tell her to

throw it in the fridge and forget about it?

Freezer equipment aside, the open questions that we have are the relative rate of degradation of various peptides at -8C vs -20C presuming stable conditions. Further, what is the degree if degradation that occurs when a stored peptide goes from -20C to room temperature once, five times, ten times, etc.
The fear mongering from him was very much so that storing GH would ruin it due to state changes. If you want to say otherwise, go ahead.

Carry on with whatever hypothetical rambling you have below that. It's probably wrong too, but I don't care to address it because I'm not concerned about freezers damaging peptides.

Are you Ghoul's brother? All the facts in your face and you're making up a bunch of what ifs to support the same argument that was dumb in the first place.
How long until tabs will be commonly available for purchase US domestic? Id love to see Aromasin and Raloxifene added to the tab list. Turn QSC into a one stop shop for everything
My international order took 21 days to arrive after the final order confirmation from Tracy's team. I think it would have been delivered sooner, were it not for a delay from the partner facility. Everything was well cushioned within a discrete package. I have a separate order issue they are assisting me with, even though it is not something they can control. Overall their team has been great.

Thanks, QSC!
I never comment here when I receive my orders but the timing of seeing this and just getting my international order matched. Ordered and paid August 20 and already received it today. Under 20 days total .... international has got much faster and domestic much slower
Market is much much smaller for sure. But our domestic supplies are not great. They could control what little market we have!
You can only hope, nobody is buying their stocks before I think. If their products sell quicker then they might reconsider but I remember QSC saying their is just not enough people buying to warrant a bigger inventory.
It's an apocalypse bruh!! Folks on 2 years Probation and 1-2 days ban. Some others on Permanent bans. lol. What a day!!


Has anyone affected by this tried to make a new Discord account?

I wonder how sensitive it may be to detect a same user. This does seem apocalyptic for anyone who has used Double Counter per servers, or extra security settings in general, to verify their account.

Checking out the dev options > various logs, shows a an unfortunate depth of connectivity all around.. At least on the app version.