Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

They are celebrating their Mid-Autumn festival right now. Ends today I believe. I have 3 orders pending with 3 different vendors and they’ve all gone quiet.
Amazingly enough Bella is still responding and sent me tracking numbers yesterday..... But, I don't think she ever stops working!
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals

Is your mail still good to go? sigma@sigmachemical.com.cn

Take my money!

Remark: Today and Tomorrow are holidays in China, if you get no replies, or delayed ones, it's totally normal, just send your orders or whatever questions you have, everything will be taken care of once the sales assistants open the emails/whatsapp, this holidays is an opportunity to spend some time with familly and they've been working very hard in the past months, including the entire summer, I hope you understand and thank you for your patience

