Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Domestic warehouse is a bit of a shit show right now, hopefully they get it fixed cause I’ve always liked QSC
For sure!
now usa domestic deliveries are way much faster than before since the relocation and you must have noticed that.
Actually no I'm not noticing that. I even placed a second order while still waiting (16 days) on a previous order. Before, I would get orders in 2-3 days. Maybe they relocated to Hawaii to troll us.
For sure!

Actually no I'm not noticing that. I even placed a second order while still waiting (16 days) on a previous order. Before, I would get orders in 2-3 days. Maybe they relocated to Hawaii to troll us.
Completely agree. Domestic is a bit delayed, but hopefully it's short-term with change like Tracy said. I'm curious if it's affecting the US oral preorders too.

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals Could you please provide an update on the warehouse change and the US orals? We know you are going through changes, but it would be good for us to simply know what to expect right now? Help us be more patient!
You looked at ultalabs prices? Usually you can find 20% off coupon on front page for whole order.

There's also a 20% off coupon code for discounted labs if you want it.
They all offer discounts at various times. My point is that one can shop for the best deal at any of them and manage the results in one place.

With that in mind if you order panels from three different places you may find yourself filling up a dozen or more vials of blood in one go.
They all offer discounts at various times. My point is that one can shop for the best deal at any of them and manage the results in one place.

With that in mind if you order panels from three different places you may find yourself filling up a dozen or more vials of blood in one go.
Yep, they are all pretty close.
Anyone have any experience running NAD+ subQ? What’s a good dose? Do you pin it daily? Thanks for any insight
I know people have lost their discords, but anyone lost their WhatsApp after messaging Q ?

Did your account get banned or marked for spam? Did you have a WhatsApp account already established, or did you recently sign up to place your order?

When the WhatsApp contact was first added as a way to order through QSC... Some people mentioned here how they signed up for the first time, then shortly after got banned for "spam".

It seemed random and unrelated to any actual messaging or activity. Just really weird bad luck. Maybe region or VPN use factors in?
Anyone have any experience running NAD+ subQ? What’s a good dose? Do you pin it daily? Thanks for any insight
I’ve been running it for over a year. It’s my absolute favorite. Keep in mind, if you’re younger you may not feel an effect because your levels may already be in check.
I started at 50mg 2x week for 2 weeks, then 50mg 3x week for 2 weeks, then 100mg 3x week.

Now I vary from 60-75 3x a week, depending on how I’m feeling.