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Might be worth getting stuck here for another weekend. It’s been a few years since I had more than one sensitivity training per year.
Q’s know for floaters. Warm it up a bit more (candle warmer or oven) and filter.
Alright, educate me on this.

Do the vials need to be warmed before filtering? If so, in the oven.. won't this damage the rubber stopper?

Alternately, I could use the 0.22mm disposable filter for each pin?
Alright, educate me on this.

Do the vials need to be warmed before filtering? If so, in the oven.. won't this damage the rubber stopper?

Alternately, I could use the 0.22mm disposable filter for each pin?
Don’t warm them in the oven use a coffee mug warmer it’s like a little hot plate that doesn’t get that hot
I ordered Test C. I got vials with natural plant oil on its label(not saying exact thing written there for security reasons incase of f3ds) . problem is, that it also has (TREN-H) written on it. the oil is clear, no color at all. is it that theyve just put the tren-h text on all labels and just stuck on vials ? is tren-h clear ?

i guess any will be clear if it was MCT oil ?
I ordered Test C. I got vials with natural plant oil on its label(not saying exact thing written there for security reasons incase of f3ds) . problem is, that it also has (TREN-H) written on it. the oil is clear, no color at all. is it that theyve just put the tren-h text on all labels and just stuck on vials ? is tren-h clear ?

i guess any will be clear if it was MCT oil ?
That’s just the stealth
And to push you to trust more when you buy test c it means you got test c even that it’s written trenh in the stealth stickers

The tren h part is just meaningless letters for customs
The stealth is the sunflower oil thing.
Alright, educate me on this.

Do the vials need to be warmed before filtering? If so, in the oven.. won't this damage the rubber stopper?

Alternately, I could use the 0.22mm disposable filter for each pin?
boil some water in a large bowl. put a cup in the bowl, dont let water get inside bowl. put the vial in the cup. cover the entire thing with a thick cloth
Alright, educate me on this.

Do the vials need to be warmed before filtering? If so, in the oven.. won't this damage the rubber stopper?

Alternately, I could use the 0.22mm disposable filter for each pin?
I would warm before hand to make filtering easier. I think the stopper is supposed to be good to 260F. I believe the consensus was 160f-170f for 20-30 minutes should be fine, but you can search the forums to make sure. Alternatively, candle warmer.

And yes, to filter it’s a 22um PTFE filter (13mm or 25mm, depending on how much volume you’re filtering). I’d do it all at once, but up to you and what’s easier.
The new Netflix miniseries adolescence was really good. Great critique on how red pill and manosphere communities are promoting ideologies that create the perfect storm for violence against women. They say they don’t advocate violence but then they use dehumanizing language like nazis did against Jews. I suspect a lot of people here are redpillers so just wanted to remind them they’re all cowards who blame their problems on other people.
Do what? I know this is a shit posting thread now but your post is lacking some context. Either that or I need to read back further LoL.
so i should search the entire thread for "trenh" ? and all these keywords ? if it was a less common used word then it would be fine but that will probably appear a million times in this thread so shut up
trenh is not a common word. just for fun, though, i searched “trenh” in this thread.

i bet you’ll never guess what popped up.

besides your latest post? a full screen of relevant results dating back months that would have helped you out.