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The new Netflix miniseries adolescence was really good. Great critique on how red pill and manosphere communities are promoting ideologies that create the perfect storm for violence against women. They say they don’t advocate violence but then they use dehumanizing language like nazis did against Jews. I suspect a lot of people here are redpillers so just wanted to remind them they’re all cowards who blame their problems on other people.
Which cave do you live in, goy?
trenh is not a common word. just for fun, though, i searched “trenh” in this thread.

i bet you’ll never guess what popped up.

besides your latest post? a full screen of relevant results dating back months that would have helped you out.
tren hex is a real thing . which would make it a good assumption that there would be a lot of search results about that in here.
Why so much hate towards everyone today?

Posting for rage bait.
Calling people a dumb bitch
Then this

I feel like you need to find some peace in your life.
Red pillers are scum of the earth and deserve whatever ire I cook up.

Someone not searching and blindly asking questions IS a dumb bitch.

If you think that people who subscribe to red pill ideology are anything other than scum you’re also a dumb bitch AND a coward because you blame your problems on other people.