Qingdao Sigma + Meditrope Golden Tops Bulk Log

Back home after rage-fucking an entire squadron of fat white ch—- I mean masturbating furiously in the corner.

Did a 2nd TB-500 injection this week, 2.5mg.
Did my BPC-157, 500mcg.
Did another shot of HGH. Fasting blood glucose at 86 prior to injection. Will test again tomorrow when I wake up.

I’m hot, sweaty and hornier than a whole football team.

Re-added nasty carbs to keep the hunger train going. Once I fill up my stomach, I’m hungry as hell the second I digest food. Shit, sometimes I’m hungry before that… Digestion of milk is going well with these digestive enzymes recommended by another poster here. Damn!
Woke up and chatted with fat girls and rage wanked until I fell asleep for 5 more minutes.

Fasting blood sugar is 108 now. Berberine arrives today. Hope it works. Will give it 2-3 days, and if that doesn’t work, I’ll see about getting Metformin.
Extreme fatigue and lethargy this morning, and all day. 108 fasting blood sugar in the morning, but it’s at 112 just 2 hours after eating. Wife made me 3 steaks and some veggies.

Hungry as fuck. Even before my food digests I’m still hungry.

However, blood pressure continues to look good:

I’ve reduced water retention by intentionally cutting out caffeine and replacing it with non-caffeinated beverages. No more sugar in my diet where possible. Thinking of not measuring my gains until after the cycle with a dexa scan, as I want to build up the suspense.

Shit, I’m really leaning out though.

Noticed that I have some slight dizziness. Not sure what could be causing this. I feel a bit lightheaded on occasion.
Well, fuck. My blood sugar got jacked up to 183 exactly 2 hours after eating. I’m still fucking hungry. That said, I’m gonna get some Metformin…
I’m not injecting HGH tonight, given the blood glucose issue earlier today. I’ll inject it tomorrow and do a quick blood check to see where I’m at, and add Metformin or reduce dosage as needed.

Tonight was very productive in the gym.

1 hour and 46 minutes of exercise:

45 minutes of cardio. 2.5 miles.
9x20x20lbs double dumbbell curls.

These curls are way too light, I need to keep adding more weight. However, they really got my blood pumping.

5x10x215lb reverse hypers. These are a fucking beating on my heart rate but I need heavier shit.
3x10x120lb vertical benchpress with no back/leg usage.

5x10x175lb overhead press
5x10x75lb deltoid press

1404 calories burnt
148 bpm average
184 max heart rate

Roughly 30,900lbs of weight moved.

The test/NPP/exercises have dramatically raised my resting heart rate. Here’s what it looks like over a 1 month period.
Checking some data trends for my workouts.


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Did a little bit of research, and apparently artificial sweeteners have a profound effect on blood sugar. If I’m drinking 20 bottles a day of this shit, I better stop and switch to plain old water…
Fasting blood sugar at 127 today. The fuck. Last night, 8 hours after eating it was 121. Apparently there's a thing where your liver can store a lot of sugar and unload it on you when it thinks you need it.

I tried to buy more stuff to combat it, but @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals strongly recommended that I don't add more compounds randomly to combat the side effects. Her recommendation was to come off it for 2 weeks and monitor my blood sugar.

Kind of rare for a source to tell you to slow the fuck down, but I really appreciate that.
On a lighter note, the HGH and AAS seem to be making it so I have precisely zero soreness, even after moving almost 31k lbs last night. Huh… that’s great.
have you taken blood work on this cycle already? i've seen you had a hgh reference level of 50 before, how is it now on 5.77iu?

also if you have trouble eating, put your hgh dosage down to 4 iu and get like 10mg of mk-677 into your cycle

mk-677 also increases your igf-1, thats why you should lower your normal hgh dosage but also increases appetite by alot

i tried using 25mg of mk-677 but it was too much of a potent effect on me, i woke up in the middle of the night nearly crying of starvation and legit ate my whole fridge
have you taken blood work on this cycle already? i've seen you had a hgh reference level of 50 before, how is it now on 5.77iu?
I am actively trying to get IGF-1 tests, but my doctor keeps REFUSING and trying to forward me to an endocrinologist that takes 3 months to see!

Time to find a new doctor. We are a large family with (relatively) great insurance, so it’ll really hurt them financially if we take our business elsewhere.

Was hoping to get IGF-1 today or tomorrow, and the rest in about 4 weeks.
This is ridiculous. I seem to have no standards on this cycle. My libido is in overdrive and I’m losing my shit over a basic pair of titties.

In fact, I have have tons of fat chicks queued up on tinder and bumble, and I just want to fuck them until they love me!!!
Go easy soldier. Remember that you have to look at yourself in the mirror the next morning.
Great news. Blood sugar is 95 less than two hours after eating a 1900 calorie meal. I did take some Berbarine too.

Last night, I did not take any HGH as I'm waiting until I can schedule a blood test 3-4 hours before. However, my fasting blood sugar was 127 this morning. Damn. Much better after I've eaten clean.

I also cut out the sugar-free drinks with Sucralose as those seem to cause a huge spike in blood sugar.
Less than 2 hours after eating, 134 blood sugar. It seems that certain carbs raise it. Doctor isn’t worried about my blood sugar unless it gets in the 200-300 range.

So it looks like I’ll continue to take Berbarine and possibly add Metformin once it arrives.

I’m not sore at all today despite the crazy gym session yesterday, but damn I’m TIRED.. Digestion is significantly improving.
Today was not too productive exercise wise. The problem isn’t appetite anymore, I’m not awake long enough to eat enough meals and I’m purposely avoiding food since my maid is on vacation and I’m too fucking lazy to cook myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, this cycle is making me both stupid and horny. I met some white chick on tinder. She basically sat there telling me how much she hates white people for 2 hours… anyway, I just nodded and smiled, went to her place and went down on her and ate her out for 40 minutes until she came 16 times in a row. She was screaming someone else’s name.

Deca dick took over and I couldn’t keep it up and she kept pushing it out of her… so I asked for a blowjob to get it going again and thankfully that worked. Then I climbed back on top of her, flopped like a fish while making savage animal and manic retard noises while I unleashed a 99-combo Seven Foot Savage Zangief Piledriver Jackhammer Suplex Finisher Move on her for a final blow of 17 orgasms before my prolactinized dick gave out again. Her eyes looked like a dilated crackhead after that and she was staring at me with shock while smiling.

She said I’m the oldest guy she’s ever fucked (wtf? I’m not even 40) and the best… and the tallest. Whatever. I need to go take a bath in Lysol because I hate myself.
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Okay, tonight is brutal.

5x10x185lbs low row + floor curl combo
5x10x235lbs reverse hyper. I can’t even breathe.

It’s a low workout but I’m getting to the point where I can do more, even a day later. Not enough time… gonna work on fixing that.

Doctor continues to refuse IGF-1 testing despite pleading, so she’s just lost a ton of customers. Hope it’s worth it for her.
I feel really good, but today I burned too many calories.

Lots of setup and moving stuff.

5x10x90lb rear deltoid raises
5x10x70lb alternating dumbbell curls
5x5x80lb alternating dumbell presses on 30 degree incline.

There was a little bit more but I forgot

1/2 mile farmer walk with 30lbs. This was brutal.
4.1 miles of cardio. Also brutal.

2 hours and 20 minutes
5,376 calories = 3227 “default” + 2149 active
Average heart rate: 145 bpm
Max heart rate: 179 bpm
Lowest heart rate: 112 bpm

I feel very energetic, nice and calm on this cycle. I’m extremely sore though…

Trying a new theory: cardio 5 minutes after running the last set for a muscle group. You can feel a major pump, far more than without the cardio. This may end up helping with muscle growth.
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