Qingdao Sigma + Meditrope Golden Tops Bulk Log

Taking NAC, will test liver values again soon.

Dropped down to 150 NPP/week. 50mg 3x week. Either the condoms are stopping me from being able to have sex properly, or I got deca dick…
All of my back pain that I’ve had for several years is gone… it’s fucking gone. All done without opiates. I feel confident I can spend more time in the gym now.
Haven't posted in a while because I was hospitalized with covid. Shitty shit. Basically fell off my cycle too. I'm just gonna do a cut next.
I’ve had really good results on this cycle, despite having to come off early. My muscle mass has visibly improved and I’ve lost a shitload of fat.

Will likely start a cut soon, but need to be careful because my libido gets off the wall insane with just test and I don’t want to cheat on my wife. I hear Tren is worse…