QSC No Longer Doing Encrypted Email


New Member
Is there any way to encrypt email or to have messages disappear now that QSC is no longer using encrypted email services? Would like to stay as safe and private as possible but it seems that is no longer an option for QSC. Should I worry that much since QSC is based in China and ostensibly local law enforcement won't be able to access info from his site in China?
No longer doing encrypted means now the bad guys can get your emails in plain text. They will acquire those from any of the five eyes countries that use the same advanced spying tactics as we do. The reason they have another ally collect it is due to the bill of rights and needing a warrant first. Going thru an allied proxy circumvents the bill of rights, and puts you in jail.

I was just reading about two dudes that got busted the other day - couple trainers at their local gyms - they got caught up somehow and swat raided them bc they had a legally owned gun. Smh, the gear they got was about 2 months of personal but I have a feeling they’re going down for years. Idk be careful don’t be dumb.
Is paying via alibaba any better and how do you think they decide who to monitor/go after. It’s crazy to me they’d use the resources to bush down people just using personal use
Is paying via alibaba any better and how do you think they decide who to monitor/go after. It’s crazy to me they’d use the resources to bush down people just using personal use
No offense, but it’s comments like this that make you just want to throw up your hands and say fuck it . They got all our shit and whatever they can’t get they’ll reconstruct once they get you in custody. Fall in line, don’t do any thing bad ever and you’ll be ok. Maybe.
No offense, but it’s comments like this that make you just want to throw up your hands and say fuck it . They got all our shit and whatever they can’t get they’ll reconstruct once they get you in custody. Fall in line, don’t do any thing bad ever and you’ll be ok. Maybe.
I mean that’s me now. I didn’t realize it got so bad for minor things. I guess my best bet is legal trt and sarms

Sucks it wasn’t this bad long ago. Fucking fentanyl for changing the game for people who actually care about their health
No longer doing encrypted means now the bad guys can get your emails in plain text. They will acquire those from any of the five eyes countries that use the same advanced spying tactics as we do. The reason they have another ally collect it is due to the bill of rights and needing a warrant first. Going thru an allied proxy circumvents the bill of rights, and puts you in jail.

I was just reading about two dudes that got busted the other day - couple trainers at their local gyms - they got caught up somehow and swat raided them bc they had a legally owned gun. Smh, the gear they got was about 2 months of personal but I have a feeling they’re going down for years. Idk be careful don’t be dumb.

This is likely true, however they are not using those programs to catch AAS users lol. I would say they might use it against you if you're already caught up in something big. But the reason why they wouldn't use those backdoor programs to try and convict a small user is because the public would then be made aware of their ability to do so.

Our threat model is locally billy the badass city cop, Roger the dodger sheriff, or Dan the wannabe man state trooper. Rather there drug enforcement sections. Or just plain ole you fucked up and got the heat on you.

OR maybe in the case of domestic sources snitching. That's one advantage of QSC they don't care or have any need to snitch on you to US govt.

Personally I would take the risk.