Bro, I respect your views and your no-nonsense approach to many subjects. At times, I follow suggestions from your example. I also respect that you simply "reconstitute with BAC water and inject." Although, I'm reading-in to your post as a discouragement against a higher health/safety process.
Of course, most "users" have traditionally approached injections as you do. And, there hasn't been sizeable reporting of "negative consequences" doing so. However, most recently—with the latest science-backed data—filtering is seen by some as a "best practice," myself included.
Currently, the odds of a "mutated aggregate" turning a person into a mongoloid version of Simple Jack are extremely low. Having said that, I'm not willing to take the risk—for a few dollars worth of additional equipment, and little more time prepping injections. Hospitals do it... why not me?
Throughout the years, automobile manufacturers have added seat belts, airbags, anti-lock brakes, crumple zones, protection beams... and the list keeps growing. Now, we have early detection, automatic braking, etc. Safety keeps improving.
What I'm getting at is, if you want to tell someone the way you do things... no problem. At
least also tell them that "filtering" and all this "additional safety" is precisely that.
As Dirt would say... Peace brother!