QsC Test C Bloodwork (poor brewing)


Ive been using QsC Test C for some time now , when it came it came crystalized and QsC told me to heat it up so I did and it worked. So I did a cycle of 750mg of test Ive pulled bloods and was 9x responder which was weird beacuse I thought I wasnt a good responder but I didnt care beacuse I felt amazing. I started using it for TRT 150mg/week which put me at 1500ng/dl roughly which was a lot so I lowered the dose to 125mg but havent done bloodwork on it. Some time passes and one day I wake up feeling like sh!t , like severe depression no libido , all the symptoms of low T. I thought maybe that lowering my dose was a mistake so I upped it back up and did bloodwork 2 weeks later just to find out now on the same dose of 150mg/wk my total test is only 800 so 2x lower than it was. I was thinking why this could be beacuse I used the same vial and at the beginning it was good. I came up with a theory that by heating it up so many times the gear was degrading by a small amount every time I heated it up. So I opened a new vial injected 125mg and go do bloodwork and to no suprise my test was 2k after 24hr. So I want to thank you QsC for making me feel like sh!t. Maybe theyre brewing process is much better now but im not going to risk. Im running HL testo c 300 rn and not feeling very good on it but then again feelz dont mean shit so in a few days ill be pulling bloods. All the bloodwork is posted below.

750mg/week (5200ng/dl)
150mg/week - beginning of the vial (1500ng/dl)
150mg/week - end of the vial (800ng/dl)
125mg injection - new vial (2000ng/dl)
I doubt that you damaged the hormone by heating your vial, the temperatures that the products are subject to during the brewing process are usually quite high
You are testing 24 hours after a 125 dose? You aren't even given enough weeks for bloods to stabilize on a new dose.

As others have said, you aren't going to damage the hormone by heating it.

While I'm not saying it was brewed properly or improperly, your way of testing and logic is a little shitty
I doubt that you damaged the hormone by heating your vial, the temperatures that the products are subject to during the brewing process are usually quite high
Then explain why on the same dose I had lower test ? I know how I feel , the bloodwork doesnt lie. And the fact is that the test keeps crashing in room temp as there are not enough solvents.
Then explain why on the same dose I had lower test ? I know how I feel , the bloodwork doesnt lie. And the fact is that the test keeps crashing in room temp as there are not enough solvents.
I personally have never had a problem with their test C
And like i've said , even if you had to heat the vial every day, it would not change the quality of the hormone which is made to undergo temperatures of this kind
There are many factors that can influence your overall test level or how you feel
What was the delay between the different bloodworks for example?
Then explain why on the same dose I had lower test ? I know how I feel , the bloodwork doesnt lie. And the fact is that the test keeps crashing in room temp as there are not enough solvents.
a) cause you drawn blood 2 hours later
b) your clearance time reduced
c) you injected differently
d) you injected in a large muscle group and then went ham on training it
e) ......

You get the picture
I personally have never had a problem with their test C
And like i've said , even if you had to heat the vial every day, it would not change the quality of the hormone which is made to undergo temperatures of this kind
There are many factors that can influence your overall test level or how you feel
What was the delay between the different bloodworks for example?
There are dates on each bloodwork.
a) cause you drawn blood 2 hours later
b) your clearance time reduced
c) you injected differently
d) you injected in a large muscle group and then went ham on training it
e) ......

You get the picture
None of those things. You can also see dates in each bloodwork.
The only thing that makes sense is that somehow the gear degraded overtime.
FeELz man....

This thread is why dumb kids need not run cycles and play with test
Im older than you and been on meso for longer than you. So if anyone ur the dumb kid. Im just wondering now where did all the old guys like MSG go. Again you cant explain why my test was lower on the same dose , youre posting in QsC thread all the time no wonder you would try to protect them.
Op scores 800 test on 150 a week and complains haha. Also you need to wait more than 2 weeks after you adjust your dose to have a legitimate blood result. You need to wait at least four to six weeks to stabilize.
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